"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

December 10 GOOD DEEDS

In my dreams - I am walking down the street with this cute pooch.  I LOVE pugs.  Of course, we would need coats! LOL It has been cold here.

Pugs don't love me though.  We tried three times to have a Pug - and three times we had to give to friends - my allergies, headaches, and breathing just could not handle the allergies they emitted.

We did have Disco, a Chihuahua, and for some wonderful reason, I was able to live with him.  I would always wash up after I held him, but it worked for twelve years. It was such a blessing...

Was Disco pampered or what?

Let's talk about good deeds today -

This photo was taken by a vendor sitting on a sidewalk, and commented:
“This dog was sitting watching the customers who took food from me and gave me a currency note in exchange. After a while, he immediately got up and brought a piece of leaf and looked at me with innocent and hopeful eyes. As if he wanted to eat something, in return, I fulfilled his wish.”

This story is a perfect example of simplicity and innocence, where even an animal tries to understand human behavior...

But the vendor did a good deed too.

I read in Inger's Blog the other day of two good deeds - 'Desert Canyon'.

1. Her dog Samson was at the vet and this man was crying because he has lost his pet - and Samson went up and licked his tears.  Awe.

2.  She recently talked to a neighbor who looked like he was struggling taking care of his dad with Alzheimer.  Come to found out his dad was cruel to him as a child.  But he forgave and is taking care of him.  Wow!

There are some good people and deeds being done all the time.

I know you all and I know you do good deeds - can you tell me a good deed you did, or you saw someone else do?  Or heard someone do?

I think this winter is going to be cold!

National Geographic Russian Siberian Trees


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All credit for photos goes to the respective owner.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Around my house there are good deeds everywhere I turn, My daughter takes good care of me. She cooks, cleans and washes my clothes. My SIL is always taking me to doctor appointments, and they share what they have with me. I am very thankful for them.

Mari said...

I loved reading those good deeds. They are a blessing for the one who recieves them, but also the giver.
The Siberian trees are gorgeous, but make me cold just looking at them!

Shug said...

Awe...the good deed of the gentleman taking care of his dad who had abused him, brought a little tear to my eye. How many people can do this? It takes a person who has a big heart and this gentleman did. Good deed indeed!! My daughter has a dog who has allergies and they pay each money for allergy meds for Lucy...They don't have allergies...but the dog does! I see a lot of good deeds being done during this time of the year, but not as many as the months move along. Happy Tuesday ....I always love to visit here..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first good deed that came to mind was the neighbor around the corner from us, one we don't know, came and cleared our back yard the day after hurricane Milton put 1/2 a tree down and made a place for beau to walk.

Inger said...

The good deed was my nephew-in-law, Kenny, who drives about 200 miles total back and forth when I need to see a doctor in Bakersfield. I hate having to go to Bakersfield. There, I said it. I will post about this soon.

Red Rose Alley said...

I love the Alzheimer story. What a great person and son to take care of his dad during that time. I also smiled at that little pup giving a leaf as money and wanting some food in return. Well, you know Nel just took in a rescue pup, and he was in pretty bad shape before the shelter took him in. He's doing well now, and the family loves him so. aahh, Disco looks so comfy and content lying in your bed. Those Russian Siberian trees are beautiful. That takes it to a new level of snow, doesn't it? I've never really cared for Pugs, honestly, and have had big dogs all my life, like golden retrievers and labs and muts, but my favorite was the dachshund when I was a young girl. Your post of "good deeds" was a good one, Sandie. We should all do more good deeds along the way.

Have a wonderful week.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is interesting about your allergies to pugs. We have allergies to most dogs that shed, yet we are okay with Adam and Gabby's dogs. That was a blessing with Disco. That good deed was so sweet. Those are lovely from Inger's blog. Those are beautiful trees! Yes, I am trying to be thankful.

photowannabe said...

I think Thankfulness puts our minds in a different spot. Good deeds are shown when people think of others before themselves.
I have seen so many good deeds come from the wonderful friends on my blog..you know who you are...
The tender comments and kindness shown towards Dave and me is almost overwhelming. They spur me on and we are very hopeful that the outcome of the visit with the surgeon that put in Dave's drain will be the removal of it and no new surgery and the pain will be gone for good.
The other Good Deeds are 2 phone calls from very dear friends. They live out of state and we so enjoyed touching base again.

Ginny Hartzler said...

As deacons in our church, I am hoping we have done many good deeds. Brought sick people food. Bought a walker for someone, countless hospital visits and cards, etc. I think we now are getting to the age where we need the good deeds done for us!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I remember Disco so well from your posts of long ago. He was kind of the star of the blog to me, and I always loved it when you posted him. Can you tell I'm an animal lover? Do you have any pets now?

Terri D said...

Sweet Disco! I enjoyed your Disco stories back in the day!! Good deeds happen every day. We just need to pay attention. I've seen the story about the dog before. Brilliant!!

Lee said...

When my late brother and I were kids for a while we had a pug named "Whisky". He was a lovely little fellow.

Debbie Nolan said...

I so wish you could have a pug...my girlfriend has one and just loves her...your Disco looked like he was truly spoiled...bet you miss him. Dogs do give us far more than we give them - such joy. Forgot to mention that I loved the tip about the grease and oatmeal...what a great way to share with the birds! Ah Sandie such wonderful stories of good deeds. Our community and our church are donating campers for those who lost their homes during Helene...there has been truck after truck going down with water, food, clothes, etc. We as a Church also forewent our annual Thanksgiving dinner and sent it down to Tennessee to a sister Church which was feeding the homeless and the workers who were helping. Always may it be done for God's glory! Hugs!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I remember cute Disco! I am seeing good deeds all around me. I usually want to participate but being on a knee scooter, I'm limited. The men at our church made and bought cookies and candy and delivered them to police and fire, and schools and other local businesses. We are purchasing a meal for a family of 4. We will deliver it a few days before Christmas.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Some good deeds there and some good deeds here, like my daughter agreeing to go out of her way to drop oyff some Christmas gifts from me to her cousin.
Those Russian Siberian Trees are so lovel