Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. EXPLORE!
"For today's meditation, we turn to British novelist Iris Murdoch, who tells us...
Our minds are continually active, fabricating an anxious, usually self-preoccupied veil which partially conceals the world."
To begin, take our usual three long, slow deep breaths and focus inwardly.
Once you're focused, slow that mind of yours down by putting your attention and yourself in that quiet place between inhalations and exhalations.
That's how you lift the veil which partially conceals the world.
Slow down that thinking until it stops and you'll lift the veil completely.
When you lift the veil completely, you'll see and know the world as it is and always has been! "
Our minds are continually active, fabricating an anxious, usually self-preoccupied veil which partially conceals the world."
To begin, take our usual three long, slow deep breaths and focus inwardly.
Once you're focused, slow that mind of yours down by putting your attention and yourself in that quiet place between inhalations and exhalations.
That's how you lift the veil which partially conceals the world.
Slow down that thinking until it stops and you'll lift the veil completely.
When you lift the veil completely, you'll see and know the world as it is and always has been! "
From Chet Day
Editor, Earth Leaves Meditations
You must ask yourself some questions:
1. Do you want to take the risk and see what the world looks like without the veil?
2. What is the veil?
3, Do you want to chose to lift the veil?
4. Do you have the desire to lift the veil?
5. Do you have the commitment to lift the veil?
6. Do you really want to see the world as it really is? (A lot of people don't want to see the world - the truth of what is.)
7. Do you want to take the risk, because it is a risk? Seeing life without the veil (blinders) - well first of all, it's painfully hard at times and it can be scary as well. There is no guarantee that you will be the same person after taking the time to see how the world really is - in fact you won't be the same - you can count on it. Hopefully the change will be for the better - if you do it right.
8. What the heck am I talking about? Change of course. So many times we as people get stuck where we are. We want to change, we know we should change - but it's hard and painful.
Change involves risks. Change involves seeing the truth - whether is hurts or not. It takes hard work and commitment. Do you have to do this - absolutely not! Some people are happy right where they are and that is fine. However if you really feel in your gut that there is more to life then where you are - changing may be the answer.
Next week I am spending time on how to change - to grow. Personally I need it.
Love and spending some time today lifting my veil. Just one one minute at a time.
Remember the "TWIST"? Well it is Chubby Checkers birthday today.

A short, but interesting video about meditating. It will enlighten you and make you think.
Birthday: "Take care of today. Tomorrow comes and it's today." ~ Stevie Ray Vaughan
He played his last time in 1990 at the age of 36 - 'Sweet Home Chicago' with Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, and brother Jimmie in Wisconsin. When the show was over he tried to fly to Chicago in a helicopter. It crashed shortly after take off in dense fog.
Thanks for the good reminder about leaving the shore line. Your Halloween header is great.
Hi,, oh boy do I remember the
Now they were the GOOD OLD DAYS !
Gone but not forgotten..
Buttercup what a wonderful way to put it...
Leaving the shore. Hmmm...
Fran - I have good memories aobut the twist too. Welcome!
My sophisticated Aunt Helene, would kick off her high heels and twist the night away in our 1960 living room, being cool.
Ahhh man, I haven't thought of that vision in decades.
Great post today. Love your Halloween decor....especially your header!
Great headder - and halloween pics! You are ready - TRICK??? or TREAT???
I like tricks and treats!
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