"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday - Something to think about . . . . short and simple . . .

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have NEVER found these dangers sufficient reasons for remaining ashore.
- Vincent Van Gogh
What do you think about that?


Southhamsdarling said...

Such a cute photo of that little dog. Mmmm - I don't really know what to say about that Vincent Van Gogh quote. I knew he was a painter, but I didn't know he was well known for his quotes. Judging by this one, I think I can see why! LOL! Did he say that before or after he cut off his ear, so you think?!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Fishermen aren't known for their brains.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hilarious photo, looks like one of mine, except mine are way bigger. when i saw Perfect Storm i told my husband, those guys are idiots, who would go out there in that and knowing it was coming. he said I would, i said i rest my case

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I must be weird! Because I think that your Faith gets you through the storms and the rough seas, don't you?

Donna B. said...

Love the sweet photo...

I say, different strokes for different folks.

I would not want to be a Police Officer, A Fireman, An Air Traffic Controller, or a deep sea fisherman...I am addicted to the TV Reality series, DEADLIEST CATCH, about Alaskan Crab fisherman...

Some are enfluenced by their families or heritage to fish... Some are willing to risk their lives to bring home an income to support their families or habits.

Who is to say? Any of us who love doing what we love doing, would fight for the right to do what we love...

I have always had a fascination with the sea. I love the ocean and going to the beach...but going out on it....scares me to death.

Interesting post Sandie...very thought provoking...

Debbie said...

I love the quote, and I have sat here for several minutes just thinking about it.

I think part of it is the calling. If you're called to something, either vocationally or avocationally, you just are. You know the risks, the down sides, etc., but you follow the call.

I think it was no coicidence that Jesus called fishermen first. He could have called shepherds, but no.. It was fishermen who understood the open sea.

I also think that our human nature tends to think against the odds. We plunge forward regardless of risk because we think "it" usually happens to the other guy.

Great, thought provoking post, Cathy.

Jane said...

Well if the fishermen didn't go out we wouldn't have fish and crabs. We could do without them,but the world wouldn't taste as good. Anyway they are brave and wonderful souls! Blessings jane

Tanna said...

There are a few different ways we could interpret that one. ;)

I love the "best little piece of ash..." LOL!

Have a great weekend, Sandie!!

Sharon said...

Cute photo - looks like how Marty sleeps.

Love the quote - reminded me of Peter and Jesus in the storm.

We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and get out of the boat!! If we stay put, we're going to sink for sure!


Barb Hodges said...

Sandie, this quote reminds of your entry a few days ago. It is about expanding ourselves, I believe. Standing on the shore we see the horizon. Going out to sea, we get a clearer view.Getting out of our comfort zone is like that. Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow:)

Susan said...

Well my gosh, Sandie...that's a perplexer. I guess what it means is that no matter how difficult the times we go through are, we just have to get through them. Hmmmm. Deep. Susan

jeanmac said...

Wow, what deep words. Wayne said nearly every family in their town had lost a member to the sea.

betty said...

it is a good thing that the fishermen do venture out considering I like salmon :)

reminds me of what I was reading in the Bible today; the story of Jesus calming the storm while the disciples fretted minutes before while he was safely asleep. I am sure there are fishermen out there secure in knowing who is in charge, know what I mean?

(enjoy the rest of the weekend :)


Shanae Branham said...

I love this picture! It made me smile! Thanks for making my day! Oh, by the way, thanks for stopping by my blog. You are right...I live in Palmer Alaska.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

thank you for this smile..
it always comes when we need it

BECKY said...

Great quote, Chatty. I think he's just talking about life in general. We all know it can be scary and dangerous, but we take chances anyway....because we also know how beautiful and bountiful it can be, as well.

Love Of Quilts said...

Cute cute cute photo looks like my Abby laying there.
Fishermen know they have no choice if they want to feed there family's. Trish

Shanae Branham said...

Thanks for the wonderful message about my mother. The pain has subsided over the years, but the hole will always be there. No one can ever take the place of a loving mother.

Linda O'Connell said...

Sandie, This is ametaphor for life, even when the waters are rough, have faith and jump in. Thanks for the reminder and cute pooch.

Linda O'Connell said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...


To me that quote is all about taking a risk, stepping out of the box and attempting to risk it all.


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Life can be rough, but also full of love and rewards if one is brave enough to step out and try! Have a wonderful day!!

Annesphamily said...

That little dog is too cute! I love Van Goghs art. He was really a complex person. But he had a wonderful wit.