Please join us at Angela's West Virginia Treasures for her Show and Tail - I love animals - I love beautiful colored eye candy (Nikki) pictures - I always have fun and feel good when I look at wonderful pictures and stories of animals - so come on over.
The following video is from National Geographic and it shows and 'tells' about a love story being an orangutan and a hound. Cute story about 3 minutes long.
Orangutan and the Hound
Thought of the Day: Walk as if your feet were kissing the earth.
- Barbara Ann Kipfer
And don't miss all the beauty around you!
Finally - some beautiful animal pictures - very unusual. Hope you enjoy them. THEY ARE NOT MINE - THEY ARE PART OF A FORWARD.

And the best set of animals for last!

Thank you to all our military - past - present - and future.
Ok, you got me. I was smiling at the first pictures and choked up on the last one.
God bless them all (the military).
Great post today Chatty....
Love that photo of the cat drinking water. Amazing tongues they have! Lots of great pics today. hugs, Linda
Awwwww, Sandie. The orangutan and the hound video was a winner. Wow. What we can learn from animals!
And that last photo was a tear jerker. Wow. Lots of feeling in your post today. Thanks. Susan
You sure found some cool pics this week. That rooster with the hens following suit was so cute.
Great pictures and I really enjoyed the orangutan and the hound video. Such a sweet story.
glad to see your post are posting again, i had no idea a moth or butterfly could get that big.
I love these, especially the eagles and the cats. But the mama saying goodbye broke my heart.
Thank you, military men and women, for keeping us free and safe!
Some very unsual animals!
My favorite is the last one too.I can see the HOPE/LOVE/HAPPINESS!
~how's my friend Sandie?
We sure do live in the best country in the world!
I'm a proud American!...whoohoo!
Those are some of the best pictures ever! I would think I like that one the best then I see the next one! lol Too hard to pick a favorite! I did really like the cat getting a drink of the dripping faucet!
Tuesdays' Show & Tail!
The pictures are stunning!! I'd like to know what that mantis looking thing is! The film is really amazing! It seems the dog and orangutan had met before and were reuniting, I guess no one will ever know. Or maybe they were just soul mates and realized it right away.
Amen to our brave soldiers.
Loved this post and all the great animal pictures.
God bless and have a beautiful day sweetie. :o)
What cute pictures of the animals, Sandie; couldn't even think if I had a favorite in them, they were just so adorable! Imagine seeing that many lady bugs somewhere!! So precious with the last picture with; always neat to see home comings like that!
Okey dokey!
I'm doing captions:
The lizard - "Bug got your tongue?"
The eagles - "Land of the free. Why don't they get it?"
The butterfly/moth - "WOW! If that's the end result, I guess I can spend a little cocoon time!"
The bird and cats - "I hate when she moons us!"
The cat drinking - "Living in the *lap* of luxury!"
Penguins - "Man, when they said formal wear, I had no idea this many of us owned tuxedos."
Ladybugs - "OK, so who told you to fly away, fly away, fly away home?"
Rooster - "This way, ladies. And yes, I am being a little cocky today."
Birds - "Birds of a feather..."
Baby and cat with fish - Cat: "Yum, sushi." Baby: "Yum, big goldfish cracker."
Praying Mantis - "Yippee! I just love answered prayers!"
The mom and her child - priceless. Yes, we owe so much to our faithful military. God bless each and every one.
Sandie what beautiful pictures. Nature always delivers, doesn't it? The last picture is the best of all as these everyday heroes deserve so much more attention and praise. Ann
Love the photos. We had a cat that use to love to drink from the bathroom faucet. The last picture was a tear jerker!! Enjoy!
Some of these lovely images made me smile!
Have a sweet evening, dearest Sandie xxxx
I loved that military hug best of all, but my second favorite was the rooster on the little bridge with the hens on the bank. Loved that one!
OMG, if I were to ever capture one of those photos, my head wouldn't fit through the door. What talent, eh!!!!!
Loved the video.
So many sweet photos.
We could not even pick a favorite, each one was adorable
You always make me smile!What a fun post...I totally love the fishbowl...baby..and cat photo!Although the last one tells a story on its own! YES...God Bless our troops! Saturday is fairy fest here and Jalina Rose and I hope to go...although there is supposed to be rain all weekend! Happy thoughts and hugs to you today!
What a beautiful assortment of photos! I love the last one. We should never forget how much our military puts on the line each day. Then politics wants the glory! I love our military personnel and pray for them daily no matter where they are serving us! Hugs Anne
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