"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Ten Strikes Bill

I usually don't post twice a day (once is enough to drive my friends nuts), but this will affect you and your blog as well.

It is called the Ten Strikes Bill and it is happening this weekend. It wants to make it against the law to stream - post youtubes - and other things - and make it a crime. Probably with a hefty penalty. If you want to continue your blog freedom check this out!


Here they go again: Big business's lobbyists are launching another attack on Internet freedom. Senators are considering a "Ten Strikes" bill to make it a felony to stream copyrighted content -- like music in the background of a Youtube video -- more than ten times.

Will you urge your lawmakers to vote no? Just click here:


As the writers at TechDirt point out, under this bill you could go to jail for posting video of your friends singing karaoke:

"The entertainment industry is freaking out about sites that embed and stream infringing content, and want law enforcement to put people in jail over it, rather than filing civil lawsuits.... We already pointed to one possibility: that people embedding YouTube videos could face five years in jail. Now, others are pointing out that it could also put kids who lip sync to popular songs, and post the resulting videos on YouTube, in jail as well."

That's right: Ten strikes and you could get jail time. Less than a month ago, the Hollywood industry magazine, Variety, reported, "Industry lobbyists pressed House members on Wednesday to pass legislation that would make illegal streaming of movies, TV shows and other types of content a felony...."

Only a few weeks later, the MPAA is getting its wish. Will you email your lawmakers and tell them to vote against the Ten Strikes Bill? Just click here:





Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I'm having a hard time understanding this. Is it ten times for your whole life, or just ten times for the same video? And I'm sure your own videos don't count?

Tanna said...

I didn't know anything about this, Sandie. thank you for educating us. blessings ~ tanna

Ann said...

I don't really know what to make of this one. I don't think I've ever posted any you tube videos on my blog so it wouldn't bother me but still it seems a bit crazy. I don't know

Anonymous said...

Ain't that suppose to be three strikes your out! teehehehe

Shanda said...

And you can kill your baby and pretty much get off free!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I will check this out...sad that this could effect so many videos that my kids put on the internet. Thanks!

Belle said...

This is a hard one. I can see why they don't want people watching new movies and downloading new CDs for free. I guess people should pay for them. But I think it should be fine for people to make their own videos with the music in them. They aren't selling anything. I just don't know. It is a touchy subject I guess.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Hope this gets shot down. That's all we need for our blogs of joy---Internet Police. hee hee Susan

Rebecca Nelson said...


Someone can lie, lie and lie some more (and possibly worse!) and get off...

What a shame there's even a chance of getting busted for streaming?

Something is seriously wrong here! :(


Angela said...

That's just not right!

Have a Great Day!

Wanda's Wings said...

Thanks for the update. I use these on my page. It's just crazy! I used your link to send the letter.

Kat said...

Hi Sandie. Thanks for informing us. It just doesn't seem right. Have a great weekend.

Sweet Tea said...

"If it ain't one thing it's somethin' else" - can't remember who said that but it sure is true.
First I've heard of this.

Unknown said...

Wonderful job, and the response from your readers is great! Hey, you've already had a tour of the Governor's Mansion, maybe you should think about making plans to take up residence there after the next election?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i saw it on TV and not sure i understand it at all. it does say copyrighted things and copyright means you can't use it without permission so some of it sounds right. not sure what it really means though, just heard it on CNN but not in depth.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I went to gov track and this is the link to the bill, the bill is already in effect and has been for years, they are just amending it. even after i read it, still don't get it.

Doris Sturm said...

Well, I guess I'm ok then because I use nobody's music and when I make YouTube video, it's just of my own stuff.

I suppose it's meant for people who pirate and steal other folks' work and infringe on people's copy wrights. From now on, one just has to be more aware and knowledgeable about ones actions because in a way, it is stealing someone else's work and taking the credit for it. Life gets more complicated and people just have to get smarter, that's all!

Unknown said...

Ugh! What the heck next ...

Have a great day ~