"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursdays Thougts Are Not Good

Boy oh boy God is giving me some more lessons - let's see what I can do with them.  I need to practice what I preach.  I want to sit down and cry, but I can't.

Let me say this - I know you all are praying because I feel incredibly strong and peaceful.  I cannot begin to thank you for that.  I can't keep up with the emails or your posts right now - I am so sorry. 


Rick came home yesterday.  Now my sister said whatever you do don't let him go home.  They pushed - said he wouldn't catch as many germs - he'd just be sitting there board - that he would be happier at home. (POSITIVE)

This was from his Dr. Christopher Tomaras at Northside Hospital.  He said , "Just call and make an appointment for next week." 

I said, "You mean just call and they can put him in in a seconds notice?"

The doctor said, "Yes."

Now I am not going to make any comments here, but give you the facts.

Now he would - I assume - have to know the age of his patient.  Right?  He should anyway.  Rick is 65 so it would be safe to assume he is on medicare.  I think.

Get home.  Call to set up an appointment.

Guess what?

He does not accept medicare - there are 3 other doctors in his practice - two do not accept Medicare - one does - but he works on SPINES!!!!!!!!!!!

I call back to Rick's primary Dr. who is wonderful by the way.  (POSITIVE)

He gives me two names at Emory.

They can't see him until Wednesday.

Now my daughter has been great.  My son is telling me what to do via the phone and I think he thinks I'm failing here. I know he is so worried about his ad - he's a pediatric cardiologist and can't leave his patients.

So I am feeling sunk.  I have called back now to his primary care doctor to see what the heck I am supposed to do.

Thank you Kelly, I am so sorry Carmen I didn't listen to you - because I am thinking and I don't know this - that IF he had stayed - someone would have had to operate.  And her Godson is 13 and they just found out he has malignant cancer.  Just a baby.

And thank you guys for all you prayers and emails.  I could use more.  But I do know there are sooooooooooooooo many others out there that need them too.         (POSITIVE)

I have my husband home with bilateral para (something) hemotomas and no where to go or what to do.

I NEVER AM POLITICAL on my blog - but I think this is Obama care for us oldies.

My help for you today is to be careful and don't be dumb like is,

And I am saying prayers for ALL OF US!  God be will us. Let's remember the promises above He gave to us.  (POSITIVE)

I love y'all! (POSITIVE) - so I am going to chose to think about these things and work like heck on the other.

Love, Chatty


Sue said...

sending you an e-mail.......Sue.

betty said...

(((Sandie)) What a nightmare! See if there is a social worker at the hospital you can call and talk to and see if they have any advice on how your husband can get the care he needs. I'll keep praying; wish I was there to sit with you and talk with you and help out however I could. (its okay while you are staying positive to also have a cry; I think they can be cathartic and helpful myself).

hugs to you, wish I could do more


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I was glad to see at least you had so many POSITIVES there in your post today and that is important to dwell on when times are tough for sure. There will be a bright side to this situation, it will come... I'm praying, lots of us are, and the good Lord will do the rest. Hang in there and trust all will be well.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I wish there were something that I could do to help! Just know that I'm thinking of you and Rick and praying. (((Hugs)))

Lynn said...

That's pretty scary stuff - you know I'll pray for you.

Doctors not accepting Medicare patients has been around a long time. We went through that with my mother. It's a shame because it narrows down the healthcare you can have when you are older.

Anonymous said...

why oh why when we reach the age in life where we need help and compassion its no where to be found, I hope that some of the comments here help to give you some answers, I will keep you in my prayers,

Grandma Bonnie said...

May God Bless you and your husband. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. I will send as many positive thought I can your way.

Grammy Goodwill said...

Oh, I am so sorry that all of this is happening to you and your hubby. I hate this. Hugs and prayers from VA.

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

I'm praying for Rick. I'm sending positive thoughts and love your way.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

still praying, hang in there. you did the best thing, contacted the PCP. he should be able to help you find a surgeon that accepts your insurance. i thought you had his surgery scheduled for next week, so i had that wrong. praying for a solution.

Susannah said...

It seems to be a common thing that when medicare people need help it is hard to find any. I am praying for you and hubby. Hang in there, Dear. Keep your faith!

Love Of Quilts said...

Bless you. I am praying for you and hubby. You are doing the best you can. Blessing Trish

momto8 said...

I am praying for all of you. do not underestimate the power of prayers!!

Shelly said...

Sending hugs your way and continuing to pray!

Unknown said...

So sorry I have missed this, Sandie ... in the midst of our own mess.

All the previous advice is great, put your foot down & do not let up. Yes, BO(bama) is giving us his 'all', the 'best care' we can ever expect ... tongue in cheek sarcasm here!

I'll call you ... hope to catch you.

Happy Mother's Day ~

~ GIVEAWAY ends 5/13 ~

Blondee said...

It breaks my heart to see how we as humans turn a blind eye to others needs, when if it was us in need...we would want someone to care and someone to help. I know the doctors are not to blame, but after working in the healthcare field for several years it is shameful how doctors and insuarance companies treat others as less than human beings, despite how great their needs.

Praying for peace for your heart, praying for Rick , that he gets the surgery he so desperately needs. Praying for healing and health, love and reassurance. May He hold you both close at this time.

Tanna said...

Oh, Sandie... PRAYING and PRAYING!! {{{big hugs}}} blessings and hugs ~ tanna


UNBELIEVABLE. There is really no excuse for this. Hospitals today are MORE interested in profits than HEALING the sick. I am so sorry your husband and you are going through this. Is there a hospital chaplain or social worker you could appeal to??? Makes no sense why they will not operate. You are in my prayers. Stay strong. Hold onto your faith.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You're doing your best, don't feel like a failure. Just keep trying and he'll get what he needs. I'm sorry it's been so challenging. Hang in there - I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

We all try to do the very best we can, and from what you're writing - to me it seems that you do a lot. Hang in there my friend and don't give up! big hugs are coming your way - thinking of you!


Belle said...

I am praying, Sandie. I'm glad you feel strong and peaceful. The Lord is the strength of our life for sure. God bless you and your family. I can't understand doctors who won't take Medicare patients. It is a terrible thing to do to people.

Lois Christensen said...

I'm praying. Maybe your son could call and ask for a doctor to doctor favor??? Keep us posted and don't worry about responding!!!

Debbie said...

I WILL keep praying!! I wish that I could get in my car and head to north GA to pray right there with you. We have to pray open the right doors and find the right answers and the right people/physicians and all.

And sadly, I fear you are right about what you said about the future of health care. That's all I'll say...

BlueShell said...

Oh dear! I did not know...
I read the post of May, 9...and I was worried sick!
I'm worried now...
I have no words dear...
But one thing I may say:God is there for each one of us...He Knows what we do need and He'l provide!
have Faith dear, I'll be praying...I will...

Hug you dearly

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie, you are doing the best you can with the information you have been given, so don't blame yourself. This is going to work out and your hubs will get the surgery. The medical world is a tough one to navigate and I like the suggestion of calling on a hospital social worker to help you out. If Rick has med-supp insurance your insurance agent may be able to help you. I know my husband would as that's what he does (they aren't all evil, well the agents anyway). Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Ann

Jim said...

Sandie, I am praying for you, and now Rick. Still, always, and often.
It won't bother me if all the doctors who don't accept Medicare go broke for lack of patients. We don't have many of those here because the competition is tough for them to get business.

It wouldn't bother me either if the medical business were taken over by the government. The Brits and Canadians who I have talked to love it. Only one problem, those who want the rich to get richer are in control. So the poor keep on lacking for medical care.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Sandie. I will keep those prayers going for you and hubby, and hope that everything all falls into place, and that he will be well again very soon.

Wendy said...

Heavenly Father
Thank You for Sandie and for all
the sunshine and laughter she has
brought to so many of our lives;
I praise You that we can do all things through You because You give us strength and therefore, I pray that you will help Sandie and her family to source appropriate help
and guidance to meet Rick's medical needs at this time.
I thank You that You give us grace to help us in our time of need and pray that Sandie and Rick they will
very evidently know your grace at work in this situation.
And one last thing Lord - please comfort them with your peace.

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about
anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father
in heaven" - Matthew 18:19

I'm sure I don't stand alone praying this prayer for you and Rick.

Paula said...

So sorry this is happening to you and to your husband. My prayers continue that it gets all ironed out and he gets the care he needs.

Unknown said...

Sending you prayers and love...I am praying that the God's healing power would be upon your husband and that he will give you the Peace that ONLY He can give. Sending love,

Granny Annie said...

"May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.

May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace."

Kimberly said...

I'm sending prayers and lots of them. God Bless.

Eat To Live said...

So sorry to hear your Hubs is not well.... and then the medicare runaround is NOT what you need right now.

I am for sure sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

Try not to tire yourself out.... You need to be strong right now. Hugs to you and your Hubs.

Jill said...

YOU are doing everything you possible can, dear Sandie. It's a sad state of affairs with the insurance situation but I know you are a lady of strenth and you know you can lean on God and your friends. Cry. It will do you good. Then breath and do what you always do...keep moving forward. You WILL find your way. Sending love and prayers, my friend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for the update. Do not worry about answering any of these comments. We all know what it is like to be going through something like this. Take care of your husband and family. We will continue to pray. ((HUGS))

Sally Wessely said...

Sandi, a part of Medicare is that you should have been given a form saying you weren't feeling pressured to have the patient leave the hospital. Of course that is too late now, but for future reference. Also, I am amazed the doc didn't ask what kind of insurance he had before, but usually that is the office staff's job. The docs don't pay that much attention to that detail which is good since I want them think of my care not my insurance.

I hope you get a treatment plan STAT. I will continue to pray. In the meantime, arm yourself with information on his rights under medicare. Also, perhaps you should make sure you have medical power of attorney in case he is just not able to make decisions due to his headaches etc.

toko baju muslim said...

Thank you for taking the time to write on this topic.

Linda O'Connell said...

So sorry to hear about your husband. I am sending prayers, love and concern.

jack69 said...

You are doing the best you know how. We all do that. You can do no more. He is in control and when you need Him, He is always there.

When we reach a forks and must decide, He will give us peace with our decision.

Love and prayers from here......

Ann said...

so sorry you have so much weight on your shoulders right now. Just remember that if He leads you to it, He will lead you through it. I'll keep the prayers coming, hang in there

Unknown said...

ohh....You both have been on my mind.... keep strong... sending thoughts and prayers.... Maureen

Joyce said...

Geez what a crazy system. I am praying for quick answers. Hugs!

Vee said...

Adding my prayers... What a challenging time you're all going through. Praying for healing, wisdom, and comfort.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hi Sandie, I can hear your frustration. Can't your son phone which ever doctor it is you need help from, and get it for you?? I have done this many times, for patients AND for family. Ask him to? Even in the U.S. I did it. I was an R.N. your son is a doctor himself so should be able to handle other doctors.. Much love Crystal xx

Starry Dawn said...

Hi dear friend Sandie,
I am so sorry to read this sad news. I apologize for not being around so much lately!!...
I'll be praying for your dear husband, Sandie, for his complete healings and prompt recovery.
Thank you for your kind Email!!
God may bless you all, Sandie!!
Prayers on your way,

Spots8105 said...

I definitely believe in the power of prayer as my husband had a coronay embolism last December and only had a 10 percent chance of survival. Everyone prayed as often as they could for him and I am happy to say that he is home and back to normal... well - 98 percent. Our prayers were answered then, and I am sure that the many prayers that are being said for you and your family at this difficult time will be heard, as well. I will add your family to my list tonight.

^..^Corgidogmama said...

You must be terrified and exhausted. Breathe deeply, do what you have to do, and trust....this is when your faith is tested by trials. That corgi had a good idea to call the social services office at the hospital, or perhaps your county one too.

Rob-bear said...

Oh, dear! I'm so sorry to be hearing all this news.

I hope you can decent care for Rick. It's so tough in a place where you only get good care if you have tons of money. We fought that one through years ago, up here in Canada.

Virtually every doctor accepts medicare, or you get reimbursed if the doctor insists on patient payment. (Most don't insist, now — they gave up on that years ago, because they know they will get their money from the government.)

Blessings and Bear hugs!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Sandie, Years ago I worked for vascular surgeons at Crawford Long. Doctors will comp or discount their fees for special cases.You just have to ask and explain the situation.
It is great that you have a doctor in the family. This is an important positive!
I know this is tough...you may need to allow yourself a good cry.

Praying still. Hugs.

Skoots1moM said...

i believe i would still demand to see the doctor that told me to call him...HE can figure out how to accept medicare (he spoke first; he can figure it out)
talking with the doctor's boss @ the hospital might be an option as well...(this is a life-threatening situation and he might like to know how his staff is acting)
just some ideas...
prayers for better answers

GrammyK said...

Oh Sandie, I'm so sorry that your family has to deal with this stress. I know it doesn't make sense and it's so scary. I understand that helpless feeling. :-( I pray that this situation will be resolved favorably and for that perfect peace that passes understanding to fill your hearts and minds. I am trusting the Lord to work this out for the best and I will keep your family in my prayers. (((((BIG HUGS))))) Love, Kris

SquirrelQueen said...

Sandie, I just read all of your posts about your husband. He will be in my thoughts and prayers as long as necessary.

Doctors not taking medicare goes back a ways, we had the same problem with my mom years ago. Help is out there but finding it can be frustrating. Stay positive!

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

So sorry to hear about your husband Sandie..
I am only familiar with American medical care from what I have read and what I thought Obama was sorting out. !!!
Living here in Portugal we have free medical care. That is unless you want to belong to a medical insurance and go private. I was private for years. I have found i am better treated and looked after on the national health.
I hope that you get it all sorted out. Your family doctor should be helping more i suppose!
You are staying postative...thats good. negativity is a no go.

I will be thinking of him in my prayers.
god is good.. take care.
god bless

Arkansas Patti said...

You have gotten some wonderful advice here from more knowledgable people than I. I hope they help you through the maze and your husband gets the help he needs soon.
You both remain in my prayers.

Nancy said...

I am so sorry about all of this....I will certainly be praying for both of you and that he will get the help he needs and soon....


Dee said...

Just awful is all I can say...maybe you can try to readmit him through the ER. Give them a symptom...I am sure he has some. Bless you my friend. Dee

Betty said...

I haven't been online much at all lately and haven't been reading blogs at all. I had no idea what you were going through with Rick. Remember, you can always take him to any emergency room if you feel uneasy. I remember years ago my friend had to change doctors when she went on Medicare because the one she had been seeing for years didn't accept it. I think that kind of thing has been going on for years. I'm sure there are many good doctors that will accept Medicare. You might want to try googling and see who you can find. Think positively. They did send him home which means they don't feel he needs to be monitored. It's scary when you don't have the medical background and you're now his caretaker. Having him in the hospital would be peace of mind for you. Hang in there...you'll do just fine. Sending prayers for Rick and YOU.

Sally said...

Praying here, Sandie. I'm sorry that I didn't know about this until now. You are all in my prayers!! ((hugs))

ain't for city gals said...

Sandie...just catching up with what is happening! It is all such a learning curve and seems like we are always trying to catch up! Makes me so glad my dad was able to go to the VA hospital and doctors...I do know more and more doctors are not accepting Medicare ...not good!

Marsha Young said...

Praying for you and your husband. Boy, do I know what you are going through.

Thankfully, God is faithful and he will get you through this.

Annesphamily said...

Praying...I have worked for 30 years in the medical field. Anytime the government butts in this is what happens! I remember the days where we could go where we wanted. Why does anyone have the right to tell us what doctors too see? Doctors take an oath and so many are kicking it to the curb!
Keep asking questions, keep looking for new ideas and ways to get the care Rick needs.
Meanwhile we can all keep praying!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Oh Sandie,

am just catching up now
you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

x Fiona

Anonymous said...

Oh Sandie,
Just reading all this about Rick. I was away Friday till Monday on Mothers Day. Then the last days have not been on computer as weather in day was nice. So I will keep you in prayer my dear friend Of course.

To you.