"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, September 07, 2012

Time for some fun.

 Well, the Church removed my cookies from the bake sale..... again!
I don't know what their problem is -- I just
used a dog bone cookie cutter...
cut them in half and decorated them!!
I thought they looked rather cute!! 
They have no sense of humor.

A Now I don't know if you have time for this or not - your choice - I watched it.  It is snippets of the good old days.  11 minutes.  But it brought a smile to my face.

Why Parents Drink 
The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees was absent but had not phoned in sick. So he dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper. '
"Hello ?" 
'Is your daddy home?'  'Yes, he's out in the garden,' whispered the small voice.  'May I talk with him?'  The child whispered, 'No.'  ;
So the boss asked, 'Well, is your Mommy there?' 'Yes, she's out in the garden too'& The boss asked; 'May I talk with her?' Again the small voice whispered, 'No .'  Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, 'Is anybody else there?'  'Yes ,' whispered the child, 'a policeman.. '
Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked, 'May I speak with the policeman?'  'No, he's busy, ' whispered the child.  'Busy doing what?'  'Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the police dog men.' Growing more worried as he heard a loud noise in the background, the boss asked, 'What is that noise?'  'It's a helicopter ' answered the whispering voice.
'What is going on there?' demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive.'The search team just landed a helicopter '  'A  search team?' said the boss. 'What are they searching for?'
Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle....   'ME'

 Thanks Sharon

Now I know I made to big a deal about my blog last time because every body asked me what I was going to do and couldn't wait to see what I was going to do. I'm kind of embarrassed.
What I really meant was that I was going to post a little less often.  I will read others posts, but maybe comment a little less often.  I want to change the look of my blog too.
To be honest with you I was spending about six hours a day on the computer and to be honest with you I don't have that kind of time.  I have put everything on the back burner and it is catching up with me!  I think it was an addiction.  Here I was telling y'all to stop and take time to breathe and smell the roses - yet I wasn't doing that myself.  
God first in all things. I will always be a Christian first.
6th grade has hit here like a ton of bricks too. Homework.
I've had some health issues come up and I'm trying to resolve those. 
If I post on Sundays I'm going to turn the comments off and give you something I feel will make you feel good and loved.  A free gift asking for nothing back.
I'm going to try to be more honest and open in my posts - more personal.
I will continue to be a positive Christian thinker.  I will choose to see the world as a good place.
I will be here for you if you need prayers.
I'll probably lose some followers - I think I lost one today already - I hate that - I just have no other choice, but to slow down a bit.
I will be here (until I can't be) - just a little less.   You have my email address too.

Okay have a good weekend!  Talk to you soon.

Love, chatty
My friends are my estate.  Emily Dickinson.


Parsley said...

Thank you for the giggles. I understand about your blog challenges and changes. We have to take a step back and evaluate sometimes.

Susannah said...

Take time for yourself, Miss Chatty. We can only "give" so much. We all will love to hear from you when it is good for you. Enjoy yourself! Everyone understands!

Friends, Susannah

Unknown said...

You haven't lost me, I was just on vaca for awhile!
Love to hear from you, whenever!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sweetie you will never lose me! I always enjoy your blog and I'm so glad you are stepping back some and taking more time for you and your family. I could never post daily and I average about 3 times a week. It's enough for me and I hope my followers! Love you!

TexWisGirl said...

thank you for the laughs. i hope you will find more time to be like disco. :)

Shelly said...

This is always such a happy place to come and visit. I'm glad you're continuing, but also glad you are taking the time for priorities.

Betty Manousos said...

disco looks so beautiful! i think we all need some "me" time from time to time.
thank you for the laughs my sweet friend!
enjoy yourself!

have a great weekend!


Catherine said...

Haha ~ oh you are a naughty girl!

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
xo Catherine

andy said...

Hahaha have a great day and weekend

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the garden story.
Have a great weekend. xoxo

barbara l. hale said...

Gave me a chuckle today with those cookies. I understand about spending too much time on the computer and I don't blame you for backing off. It can be all consuming. I've done a bit of the same. Hope you enjoy your new found time!

Aloha Acres said...

I believe the Lord is telling me something. You are the 3rd person to mention needing to "slow down". I haven't blogged in a week, because I'm just not feeling it. I've lost all desire for fb and other networking abilities.

I think we are all in a season to pray. With this election coming up, I'm so disappointed in things I read online. Maybe God wants us all to take this time for Him. To "be still and know" that He is God.

I'll also be around, and I'll never stop following you.

Blessings in this journey!

Liz Mays said...

I think it can be very consuming if you let it, so it's wise to take a step back when you feel the need. Bravo to that!

Jill said...

I will always be here whenever you are. I am glad you are taking time for you. Your health, physically and emotionally is most important.

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Dear Sandie.
I know how you feel. I took time out a while back and was without computer for a few days.
Blogging sometimes takes over our life.
I write less blogs now.. I think a lot of us feel the same. We will always be blogging friends.
Today, you made me laugh and you brought tears to my eyes. the video clip..gosh..that brought back some memories. Loved the little boy and the parents.
the cookies..)::
enjoy reading your posts Sandie..
wishing you peace and love
happy weekend

Southhamsdarling said...

Well, you're not going to lose me my friend! Those cookies are so cute!! I'm still not convinced that that story is actually true by the way!! Loved the story of the little girl hiding away. That was SO funny! Enjoy smelling the roses and we will look forward to seeing you as and when. As you say, 6 hours on the computer is way too long!!!

Along These Lines ... said...

A good chuckle!

Love Of Quilts said...

Oooooo my goodness the cookies are cute but not for church. We'll still be here. I my self don't spend a lot of time on the net anymore. Its no fun when it becomes a job.

Anonymous said...

Sandie I'm always here.Holler if ya need me,it's just a few hours drive.
Take some time.
You deserve it.

I really enjoyed the click of day's gone by,and I must tell you it really brought a smile,and I can relate..it also got me thinking about our country,seems like back then it was more happier,laugher,and fun,don't get me wrong I know mama and daddy struggled,worked two jobs and kept our family of eight fed and we didn't go lacking for the essentials...I must say that I have a dread on me for our country,I pray that we will turn around to more carefree times and more smiles on our faces...I want to dance like that again!!!!

That was a Cute joke also!!

Gina said...

Thanks for the laughs.

I think we can all relate to how blogging consumes alot of our time. You have to do what's right for you. Take some time away.

Anonymous said...

I understand 100%. You wont lose me neither Sandie.

I watched the video all the way through. I enjoyed it. I used to run home to watch American Bandstand. I loved Mickey Mouse as a kid.

Those cars well the convertiable we had back then . We had a Ford and had the big wheel on the back. Our colour was dark blue car and beig top. Brings back memories. Thanks..

Linda said...

I was here earlier today but had to run before I could comment! GREAT post!

Blogging shouldn't be a JOB! You don't OWE anyone anything! There are seasons of life and times when we can do more of this or less of that.....only we know where, how and what God is leading us to do.

Lynn said...

Sandie, it's supposed to be fun, sometimes we all (myself included) need to step back and regroup. Love what I read on a blog (but forget who's) "if we don't walk away from the computer what are we going to have to blog about anyway?". Have a great weekend:@)

Dee said...

Oh my gosh I am still laughing over the little child on the phone...and the video brought back tons of memory's that did make me smile. I think change is good...you want to enjoy blogging and not have it be a job or burden. Actually you are evolving...I look forward to see your changes. I hope you stop by a say hi to me once in awhile...:)

Susan said...

Hello Sandie...

Well, all of that about the blog sounds good to me. It's good to change.

It CAN become an addiction, that's for sure. And I sure don't need another one of those! Ha ha ha

Take care, dear Sandie. You're the best. Susan

Jeanie said...

Good for you for taking steps to find the right balance in all that you do in you life....it will all be as it should be with the thought you are giving it.

Jocelyn said...

haha loved the little story! :) blogging can get crazy.. hope you enjoy your weekend!

SquirrelQueen said...

Thanks for the laughs with the little girl in hiding. The video is great. Some of it is a tiny bit before my time but I love the music and remember most of it. The old cars are fantastic.

Blogging does have a way of taking over and sometimes we have to cut back. Enjoy those roses!

Dolores said...

The cookies are so cute! I was trying figure out if they were 'boobies' or 'hinies"...... whatever, they're so cute!

Love the little boy joke.

To be honest, I often wish everyone would only post once a week and that way I could keep up..... at the rate I'm going it's soooo hard to read and respond.
Love your blog!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We enjoyed all of your cute stories! And I'm proud of you for being sure you keep priorities straight! I love to blog...but I am trying to be balanced...it's not easy! Sweet hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've never in my life had as many comments as you do so I'd say you do have some good faithful followers. I'd not worry about loosing any. You always have some things that give us a smile or make us think and I like that. Will say a little prayer for your health problems and hope you have a wonderful weekend too!

Grandma Bonnie said...

That was so funny them searching for the little kid. I can totally understand that you want to be more balanced with blogging and life. I hope you have a good night.

BelovedBomber said...

I think it all sounds absolutely wonderful! Many blessings!

Denise said...

Sounds fine to Me.We all need to do that once in awhile.Your post today was entertaining as always.You do have a gift to make others laugh and feel more lighthearted.Denise :)

Rob-bear said...

Whatever works is good. As long as we don't have to send a search team out looking for you.

Debbie Jones said...

I have had to slow my blogging down too and decide to deliberatly prioritize and put first things first! I love your always positive blog and enjoy reading it as much as I can. Thank you for your Christian perspective. You will not lose me as a follower (even if I am leaving fewer comments these days!)

Marie said...

I'm so happy you'll be taking more time to smell the roses.:) You have to keep a balance and six hours a day on the computer without an income is a bit much. LOL
Love you,

Ann said...

well you certainly won't lose me and honestly I'm thinking the same thing you are. I need to rethink things with the blog because it's taking up far too much of my time. I still love it but you know

Paula said...

I really enjoyed my time from the computer when I was with my girls in The Hill Country so I understand. Take good care of yourself.

Angela said...

You do need to take some time for yourself girl! You do so much for your family and there isn't much time left for you. I haven't been blogging much or even looking at blogs much because I'm so busy with things going on in my life. Sometimes blogging just has to wait.

Belle said...

I've had to cut back too, Sandie. I was spending too many hours on the computer too! I love the story about the little boy hiding. So funny. God bless.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, I think you are headed in the right direction with your blog... Spending 6 hours a day on blogging is TOO much for anyone... We all need balance in our lives.

Love the story about the little girl on the phone.. CUTE!!!! Also loved the cookies!!!!! ha ha


Mary said...

LOL Hahahhaahheehheheeeee...those cookies!!!

You are so sweet...do your blog world as you like...I love to come see what you have...but I know the overwhelm feelings a bit. Love you, Mary

Unknown said...

can i have couple boob and ass cookies plz. i think they are very good looking. churches are over senstive some times

Anonymous said...

I'm with you girl. I've been spending way too much time on the 'puter myself and things have been suffering for it.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

aahhh Disco...he's got the good life!!!! Love the fun here Chatty...the cookies...and the that little story about 'finding me'

Sending you tons of hugs and hope your weekend is the best

Knitty said...

Loved the cookies and the video was fun to watch.

I think I've commented before on finding a balance and purpose for blogging. If you had a service or product to sell, you'd have to blog on a regular basis as a good business practice, but as friends sharing opinions and slices of our personal lives, blogging shouldn't become 'work'.

My guess you will find weeks when you have something to post for days in a row followed by days of being busy elsewhere or just 'not feeling it' when it comes to blogging.

I will always look for your updates and can't imagine not following you. Unless you join a gym and get all perky about sweating. I won't follow you there. ;-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh noooo on the ME at the end. tooo funny... at first i thought you really made those cookies, took me a moment to figure out it was a JOKE

Suzan said...

LOVE, LOVE your cookies!!
Great idea using a dog bone cookie cutter!! We have a boobie cookie cutter and raised money for the 3-Day BC Walk by everyone decorating their boobies with bras or what ever!! Too Much Fun!!
Did take the time and watched your video. The dancing was a bit before me - I came into the dancing scene with the Twist - but I did inherit my Grandmom's 56 Chevy - 4 door, turquoise and white!! It was a tank and the party car!! It got 11 mpg at 33 cents a gall. gas. I drove it to two years to Jr. College and back and then the transmittion went out and Dad sold it. :-{{
Have a GREAT weekend!!

ain't for city gals said...

You can't get rid of us that easy! I read one time it takes 5 to 6 hours a day for a successful blog...I don't know who in the world could do that! I down to posting about once a week or so...and I really enjoy blogging again. The whole computer thing can just take up too much precious time...which is all we have left. take care...

Blondee said...

The cookies are AWESOME! LOL

I understand completely with the blogging. I don't feel obligated to blog an 'x' number of times a week, then it becomes too much of a time sucker and a chore, and not the fun release I intended for it to be for me. I definitely agree that you don't have that kind of time to dedicate to the computer, either. You have such a full life with hubby, daughter, grandson and Disco all under one roof. So take a breather, try a new routine and I pray it brings you happiness and a renewed sense of self. :)

Mevely317 said...

Sorry, Sandie ... you're stuck with me! (lol)
I just burst out laughing at the image of those cookies!!!
Wishing you and ALL of Disco's family a nice and RELAXING weekend!

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Time to yourself is important! What a wonderful space you have here! You started out our mornings with a good giggle for my self and my hubby! Have a blessed week!

Charlotte Wilson said...


This is one of my favorite posts.
And i watched the Best of Times video all the way through. It made me so happy that i cried at the loss of those times. And that music is the best. i listen to 50's in the car on Sirius and love it.

Thanks for the sweet memories!I used to run home after school to catch American Bandstand, did you?


renae said...

i understand whole heartedly.

Foodiewife said...

Thank you stopping by my blog, or I would not have found you. The cookies are hilarious! Loved the joke, too. I do understand the addiction part. I've had to wean myself off the internet. I'm making baby steps, LOL! So nice to meet you. Blessings, Debby

Cheri said...

I think we all need a break now and then. I know I don't blog much because nothing is really going on here and I am not decorating or doing any DIY projects. I still read everyone's blogs every day and I comment when I feel like it. Don't put that pressure on your self and relax, I know I'll always check in and see what you posted.

Jim said...

Hi Sandy ~~ I loved the cars in you video. One problem, except for the 1958 Ford they were mostly Chevy's. Oh.

The dog biscuits were cute too. I suppose the church people liked them but of course we couldn't have stuff like at church. Kinda like my beer drinking deacon buddy. He didn't drink at church.
(I'm not saying there's anything wrong with either, just that some churches, mine included, wouldn't like them.)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm glad you aren't going to completely stop blogging- your posts always make me laugh and think!

Wanda's Wings said...

No matter how often you blog you have become my friend. By the way I love the cookies.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smiles. Hope you have a blessed Sunday.

Shug said...

Lots of fun here today..
I say...do what works for you! After all, it's your blog and your time.
I always enjoy my visits here, but I know first hand how overwhelming it can be to post everyday and also to take care of family too.

Maggie Ann said...

I understand...blogging eats up a lot of time. I'll be back for sure. May God bless and help you with your health problems and the 6th grade things. I know he will....=)

jeanlivingsimple said...

HeHa! Love your jokes!!!

BlueShell said...

Wonderful entry, dear! The film is amazing: there are some things alike (few) and some different but i loved to see. The way they danced- they had to be skinny...LOL...and Elvis...is ELVIS...and ..." They...ask me how I know, my true love was true....(smoke gets in your eyes- one of my favorites...) I was smiling...believe me...I was...

Unknown said...

Hi My friend, I understand what you mean. Sometimes we need to cut down on things and concentrate on things around us. I am finally getting back to life again, I was pretty knocked down this time and felt awful. And now I have some catching up to do. Enjoy your Sunday!
Hugs x

Granny Annie said...

Your blog will continue to be a form of fun and spirituality regardless of how often you post.

Lynn said...

That is a lot of time on the computer - I think you have a good plan there, but I hope you still come to my blog. :)

Tanna said...

I hear you, Sandie. I have had to re-evaluate my time, too. I love blogging and couldn't imagine not keeping up with the people I've come to love through this strange connection... but, I have to step back sometimes and take care of things that need to be done. You won't be losing me!! xoxo ~ t.

Janie said...

I want to post comments more on your blog. But I get all confused and mixed up with so many things you have on your page! How do you find the time?!

Question: Where did your grandson go swimming with the dolphins? I want to do that someday.

Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. You made my day. I did a huge mistake on the YEARS. My daughter of course emails me to say MA! Long story short, it was 26 years not 45. I am loosing my mind...

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Oh my! LOVE the cookies! And I SOOO relate to spending too much time on the computer. I've battled this recently myself. Sometimes I wonder if blogging is really a Godly pursuit. I, too, want to be inspirational, and not just frivolous w/ it...but I get caught up in all the correspondence, and the day is gone. I'm trying to find balance, too, so I support your efforts! Let me know how you resolve it. God bless you!

Savannah Granny said...

I so love the little child talking to the Dad's boss. Sometimes I want to be that little child.
Wow, I am feeling the same as you. I feel like I am neglecting my home life and Bob. I get behind on replying and reading and then I feel bad. I am going to slow down too. You do what works for you and your family. Love and blessings, Ginger