"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, June 03, 2013

Monday Musings

When I see this photo I think about God up there and how he looks down at the earth - for you and me.

x_3bf587b6 photo

Of course when people came they put me in the house.  How do you like that - I was only going to bark and maybe bite one or two - just protecting my family - they are a lot of work let me tell you!
So close yet so far away.

Wish we were doing this instead!





Thanks Kelly



Shelly said...

Oh, Disco, I'm so glad you were there to protect everyone, even if you are worn out!

I hear you on the garage sales, Sandie. Those are a piece of work-

LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha, I regularly sell stuff on ebay but I've never had a garage sale. I don't have a Facebook account so that's not an option. I give the rest to charity shops.

I hope you sold loads!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I said no to garage sales several years ago. They are a lot of work and I never really got rid of much so wound up donating most of it anyway. Hope your Monday is a much quieter and restful day for you.

Denise said...

You are so good with the computer :)All those post it notes were darling.So nice visiting you again.I agree,no more garage sales for Me.Denise

Theresa said...

No Garage sales for me either! People just want you to give the stuff away and that's just what I will do from now on:) SOOOOO much work and it seems like you end up with more stuff! Have a blessed week dear Sandie, HUGS!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not know about the garage sale page on FB.. barking dogs is the second reason for me not having garage sales, the 1st is I had ONE years ago and said never again...

momto8 said...

my daughters husbands mom got the most amazing things at yard sales this week! a pac and play bassisnet AND stroller for $20. wow. we are very happy that people put in the garage sale work!!!!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, You certainly sound like you need a day of rest, but at least this is behind you.
I love your little dog. My dog is the same way small and very protective. I feel the same way you do he thinks he is only doing his job. Blessings dearest and rest. Catherine xoxo

Changes in the wind said...

It is true...garage sales are brutal.

Nonnie said...

Glad that is behind you. I am so in agreement with garage sales. I think our last one (and ONLY one) was in 1992! We have so much stuff right now I know I could make some money, but, as you said, all that work!!!! No, I'm not going there.
(And Trudy will never know what she missed out on. She's very social.)

Jackie said...

The photo of the sun coming through the cloud is gorgeous, Sandie...just beautiful!
And, isn't it surprising what sells and what doesn't at a yard sale? I found that out, too...at the one (and only yard sale we had years and years ago.) I have joined your club: no more yard sales! I like to go to them, though. It has been a while since I have done that, either. I need to get back at it. There are a lot of wonderful finds at yard sales.
Sad to part with toys....a sign that he is growing up...but hopefully, some little boy found just the perfect ones from the ones he sold and will give them good homes and have good times with them.

Anonymous said...

It's been ages since my family had a yardsale. We had a few when I was a kid, but last time we wanted to get rid of stuff we just rented a table at the local flea market. We just broke even and had enough for lunch after...but at least we got rid of some of the bigger stuff (and the rest got donated to Salvation Army).

TexWisGirl said...

i love that last thought.

and bless you for surviving it!

Sharon said...

Disco, what a good watch dog you are! And yes, guarding loved ones is exhausting work!

I agree. I have done one garage sale. It was very tiring - and a very weird experience. I truly saw the best and the worst come out in people. I especially liked one guy who came screeching up to our driveway, threw his car into park (but didn't turn off the engine), walked around for like 10 seconds, muttered under his breath, "Nope," and took off at 90 mph. I felt judged. :)

And Sandie, you left out one little piece of information (I'm nosy). Did you make some good money??? :)


Jim said...

Sandie, I've never had a garage sale and from what you saying I don't want one. I am glad you survived.

When we moved up here we had to get rid of a lot of junk, 23 years worth from living in one place before. We put the unwanted stuff out on the curb at the corner where our older daughter lives. Everything was always gone by the next morning.

The biggest item was a John boat. We also took a lot of stuff to a charity and I hauled about four pickup loads to the trash place.

I'm liking your sky picture and the mouse cartoon today. When I worked I had a MackyD's Beannie Baby Mouse sitting with my computer mouse to keep him company. Still have it some place.

Jim said...

Where will the pool table go? Do you have a basement?

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I still keep thinking about a yard sale to downsize some of my stuff, but yikes it is so much work!


Gail Dixon said...

Exactly the reasons why I never held a garage sale. Always seemed like too much work and I know my three dogs would stress out. My suspicions were correct. Hope your grandson gets his pool table!

jack69 said...

Certainly understand the Yard sale turmoil. It is a job!!!

Got a good laugh out of the mouse & Comments.

((HUGS)) I am meeting folks to look at the car we are trying to sell.

Sandee said...

No more garage sales.

No more garage sales.

Love the laugh and the lift.

Have a terrific day honey and get some rest. :)

Marsha Young said...

Great fun! I had a garage sale - ONCE - and that was twenty years ago. Whew!

Never again. :)
Get some rest.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have 3 boys who would've liked to have shopped your sale!

Cathy said...

Garage Sales are definitely a lot of work. I don't know that I ever want to have another one either and it's been several years since we had one.

Inger said...

Dear Sandie and Dicso: We live in such an isolated place, we doubt that a garage sale would be a success. Too bad, says Samson, as I would love to bark at anyone who would show up. I'm says I, who would have to do all the work and instead I just donate. We have only a few places in town and I have chosen St. Vincent de Paul. They assist homeless people in Bakersfield. And they have the best books donated by others for a quarter/paperback and a dollar hard cover.

Savannah Granny said...

Hi Sandi, Listen to Disco, he had it correct on this.
Good job Disco!
Blessings, Ginger

Elizabeth said...

Garage sales are a killer! Now, I just donate our things to a worthy organization that has a thrift store. It helps them and saves me a ton of work.

Sort of sad to see the young ones grow up and past the toy age :(

Hope you and Disco are resting today.

Jill said...

Oh boy. I am getting ready for a garage sale or an estate sale. I feel your pain! Bless your heart. I hope you spend the whole week RELAXING!!!


Garage sales are a lot of work that seldom yield a big return. But you get to meet a lot of nice people in the process. I always just donate the things.

mail4rosey said...

buwhahahaha, my mother-in-law does a huge two-week one ever year and makes me help. I hate it, but I like her, so I do it. ;)

The kids always want me to do it, but nuh uh.

You have enough memos here not to forget the next time a garage sale itch starts calling, hehehe

P.S. A pool table sounds fun :)

renae said...

Oh I always love your sticky note posts. You and Disco that is. YES, NO MORE GARAGE SALES!!!!!!

Thank you for your encouraging and optimistic approach to my June being awesome!!! THANK YOU.

Unknown said...

I imagine it was a lot of work with the sale, I will remind you for sure. It has been a beautiful day here, on my day off work yeyyy...been in town most of the day...just home a little while ago. Big hugs x

Donna said...

Hahahaaa....oh my word! I HATE garage sales!
Glad you survived it girl!

Helen said...

he..he... love the mouses ones.

Decadent Housewife said...

The only garage sale I like is someone else's.
Love that 1st photo.

Belle said...

This is so funny! I'm with Disco. I had my last garage sale a few years ago. I love the mice joke!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I will be sure to remember No Garage sales! Hope you have a great week.

Betty Manousos said...

funny stuff fhaha
what a great start to my day!
thanks, sandie!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I agree about Garage Sales.. They never bring as much money as you have spent in time and effort to have them...I will never ever have one again....

Your grandson is growing up for sure... Maybe he can give some of his toys to a needy family or agency... Kids need to learn about giving/missions.

I know that Disco was exhausted after protecting the family all weekend... ha ha


Susan said...

Hi Disco.....I hear ya on having tag sales. TOO MUCH WORK. And all those strangers looking at you. You good dog, you, for not biting their ankles off.

And your human Gram and grandson were mighty tired, too, I'll bet.

You got it, Disco. If you see signs of tag sale plans in the future, pretend you are sick. That'll distract the humans.

On a positive side, maybe they'll buy you a treat with money from some of the "loot" they got rid of. Susan

barbara l. hale said...

You've convinced me. No more garage sales. I think I will donate my stuff to our church yard sale and be done with it. Phew!

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh Sandie, you've convinced me...I'll never have a garage sale!

and Disco convinced me too. :-)

Got such a kick out of the CPR on the mouse. :-)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I'm glad you survived it and hope and pray that boy gets his pool table. And I can truly identify with this. Every time I think about a sale, I just pile it into a box and give it to Goodwill.



Eat To Live said...

I need to have a garage sale.... and soon. They are very tiring!!

Ann said...

Garage sales are just way too much work for me. I hate having to drag all that stuff out, price it and then to make matters worse drag it all back in when it doesn't sell.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Been years since we had a garage sale and yeah they are a lot of work. I much prefer to go to them and try to find a bargin.......

Ms. A said...

Wish I was doing that, too! Gazing out over some nice body of water would be soothing to my soul... and my soul could use some soothing.

Terri D said...

LOL - loved this post! I will never do another garage sale either. Oh my gosh - the crazy people who show up at dawn! Amazing! And pricing is the absolute worst part. Andy is a great kid! I'm so glad we got to meet him, too!!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Love your writing and utilizing these adorable post a notes such a clever way to tell a story-I want to know-was the sale just a little bit fun and was it profitable? Because if it was, I may do one!
Happy Hugs-

Rob-bear said...

I'm on the dock with the dog (though you can't see me very well). He and I share what I think is an ideal approach to the day.

The ideal garage sale is when you put everything you want to sell into the garage, and sell the garage with all the contents.

Yes, I realize Bears are a bit strange about such things.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting, Life in the Urban Forest (poetry).

Simone said...

Garage sales are as fun as you make them. If you don't care about the money earned...have a half off sale half way through and then a free sale at the last hour before closing. Good boy Disco for protecting.

Merlesworld said...

I have never had a garage sale, by the time my lot throw anything away it's well and truely dead,

correction my daughter sells things on ebay when she is finished with them.

BlueShell said...

Well done...this is funny...

I Praise the Lord...because I Know I'm a sinner!

Hug You

BlueShell said...

I had to move from Blogspot because I was having dozens of anonymous comments...some of them vicious and nasty!
Sorry...but the only way was to go to

Kay G. said...

Oh go on, have another garage sale!
It's like childbirth, you forget the pain!

Linda O'Connell said...

If someone bought something at my last garage sale which will BE my last, I also gave them something. They are too much work. Hope you are doing fine.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The last two garage sales I had were nothing to write home about - of course that is probably because I didn't really have anything buy-worthy LOL

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. not having grandchildren I've been lucky enough to just be able to take my things straight to charity .. adding more to the boot today ..

So pleased grandson has such a good sense of life .. pass on his toys - but as you say who knew .. a pool table!?!?!

Have fun bending your back grandma!! Cheers Hilary

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I only do garage sales when I am moving because I usually get rid of a lot of things. I hate them with a passion and never ever go to any!
Glad that is over for you. Debby

Denise said...

My momma always loved garage sales.

Dee said...

Garage sales are bad for the back and fingernails:) Disco did his job....most garage sales I attend have barking dogs...it is just part of the enjoyment :)

Paula said...

Okay Sandie no more garage sales for me or you. lol I had the perfect place for them when I lived in san antonio and my brother and some friends would join in. It was like a little mini social event with snacks and lots of visiting. No more since I moved out here. They are work and my legs give out.