"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fun Friday with a lot of help from my Friends.


Sometimes I wish I could let go and just be freer. Do you ever wish that?  There are so many things that tie us down.  Little things, bigger things.  I can really start to complain.  I'll get an email from a friend supporting me, giving me advice, small gifts in the mail, a phone call, an email, and the list goes on.
Well all of a sudden I think to myself - why or how in the world can I complain?
For today I am okay.  My health is okay. My family is okay.  
Everything for today is okay.
I am grateful.
But I have friends whose lives are not okay.  Either they have a problem or their family. I want them to know that I care about them and I am praying for them.
I know you know some people too.  
So give them a call or send an email or a letter and let them know that you LOVE them!

And remember - no matter who you are - laughter is another gift from GOD!
So are colors and photos.  
All we have to do is open our eyes and our ears.

“Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands- a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world.”  

Are you in need of a screen cleaner?

Do you want to know what I wanted to be when I grew up?  A National Geographic Photographer! Yes I did - so that explains one reason I just love photos like this!

Ever stop to smell a flower?

Nature in it's finest!

Don't forget your corn beef and cabbage on Monday!

What's at the end of the road for you - just for today?

x_3bf5c36b photo x_3bf5c36b.gif



(And my boy!)



Vee said...

Have a hapoy weekend! And I did learn why Daisy gets hers first. =D

Vee said...

Or a happy weekend, whichever you prefer...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cant type ROFL that ice cream eating dog has me howling.
and love love the disco boy photo.

jack69 said...

The opening was soooo sweet, and very true.
Loved the pictures and todays real smile came from the video. Nop little licks for some folk. hahahaha
Love from central Florida.

Sandee said...

We are the lucky ones. So many have issues and trials to navigate through.

I love all the smiles in your post today and that video is awesome. Yes I can see why the little one goes first.

Have a blessed day and weekend my friend. Scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Rose said...

Happy Weekend to you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your Friday posts, Sandie. You do sound overwhelmed though with life ---as so much of us are too.... Blogging is wonderful --but it does take time from our busy lives. I have slowed down the blogging BIGTIME--and take many more breaks than I used to...

I love writing and posting blogs since we travel so much and I have so much to share. BUT--it's hard to visit so many other blogs often... I just can't do that anymore... I do the best I can --but I am trying to do what I can to balance out my life.

Love the Licker License one... CUTE....

Have a great weekend.

Sharon said...

Yes, Sandie, there are many people who suffer so many things. I am reminded of that every time we have *prayer request* time in Bible Study. Life is a hard journey sometimes. My prayers go out to everyone - for each one of us has some sort of struggle we're dealing with.

Enjoyed your post today (except for feeling wildly sorry for the mice!).

Have a great weekend. My hugs to GS and Disco!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Those encouraging words to a friend mean so so much and go such a long way indeed Sandie. May you have a beautiful weekend :)

Suzan said...

Glad everyone on your side of the fence is OK!! Everyone on my side is also OK!!
know this is crazy - but I feel sorry for mice!! No body likes them and other critters just want to eat them!!
Love that clip of the dogs and ice cream!! I'd gulp the ice cream down too if someone teased me like that!!
Wayyyy toooo funny!!
Awesome photo of your Boy and his dog :-}}}
You're blessed Sandie!!
Happy Weekend xoxo

Pat MacKenzie said...

I loved it, especially Cooper and the ice cream...made me laugh out loud. I hope you have a happy Friday filled with laughs.

Terri D said...

TGIF and I wish you all a good weekend! Love all the giggles! The ice cream & dogs is very cute. Love & hugs!! xox

Cranberry Morning said...

Great photos! I don't have a free screen cleaner, but I do have a free keyboard warmer. LOL

Theresa Mahoney said...

Those are such sweet and amazing animal photos. I love that we have the technology that someone can capture them and share them with the rest of the world. Thank you for sharing with us today!

Beth said...

I love all of the pictures today and the words of wisdom. Thank you Sandie!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie you are the most caring and loving friend! Thanks for the laughs and the thoughtful posts. Love the video! Hugs, Linda

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We watched the video....TWICE! Hilarious! Happy weekend my friend!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You bet I want to let go and be free of the stress around here! I can't complain either but I wish I didn't worry so much about e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g..........
Love all the pictures. Hope you have a great weekend. Love, Debby

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Love that video! What a hoot!

I now am craving ice cream!



jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL! I love my freedom and feeling "free"...and I LOVED Cooper the chow hound!...:)JP

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The video was hilarious! Glad everything is okay for you today. Here, too! Have a super weekend.

Carol said...

I always enjoy your Friday posts and look forward to knowing I will have a chuckle or two. Loved the dogs and the ice cream cone.... hmm, now I want a soft serve ice cream cone!

Paula said...

I'm kind of like Cooper, no manners at all when it comes to ice cream. Love this whole entry, so good.

Barb said...

Poor mousy! Love the fox. You're right - be happy if you don't have major turmoil in your life (many do).

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I have some ideas.
Once a month have a Sandi Day. Just you. You are #1.
Drive down a road you have never been, but make sure you have a GPS.
Put on your favorite music and dance like you did when you were a teenager. Try not to break your hip.
Make plans to go to a city where you have never been. Bring an adventurous friend who won't tell tales.
Make a Banana Split and don't feel guilty of the waste if you can't finish it. Likewise, if you do finish it, smile wide and don't feel guilty about the waist.

Bottom line is that you have earned the right to make your dreams come true. You just have to give yourself the gift of Sandi.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh gosh- that Cooper is a riot! Have a great weekend Sandie.

Ms. A said...

OMG... COOPER!!! I would have been in fear of my hand holding that ice cream cone!

Lynn said...

Very nice Sandie! Have a great weekend:@)

Merlesworld said...

The weekend all the same to me now.

barbara l. hale said...

That video is hilarious! Have a great weekend!!

Sandy said...

Too much to love on this post to mention them all, but I guess my fave is the sweet kitty reaching up and sniffing the flowers. Just precious.
Hope you and yours have a restful weekend.

Ann said...

and here I was feeling just a tiny bit sorry for poor Cooper ....lol


ROFLMAO over Cooper and Daisy.

Denise said...

Enjoy your weekend, love you.

betty said...

I love how Cooper ate the ice cream! Not dainty at all! So true about sending a note of encouragement if we know someone is struggling, it is always so appreciated! I think it would be fun to be a photographer for wildlife/nature but I'm sure they wait a lot to get just that right picture!


Betty said...

When everything is going well you kind of take it for granted.

When I was much younger I had a friend from Ireland. She told me she had never heard of having corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day until she came to the states. My mother always made it and I did from time to time. Not this year though.

Blondee said...

I know the miles separate us, and I cannot give help in any real sense of the word, but you are loved, appreciated and have my prayers. Life isn't fair, but it does have some amazing rewards, like God having our paths cross so we can hold one another up in tough times. God blessed me when he had our paths cross. <3

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Friday!

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh.... I laughed out LOUD when I watched the ice cream cone video, with Cooper!!!!! *bahahahahaha* LOVED IT!!! :-D

What a great way to start the weekend. Thank you for that!!

Love~ Andrea

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh that Cooper, he eats it lickity split, for sure! I love your post, I know what you mean about people out there in need. Great animal photographs, just precious!

Lee said...

Yes...very often I wish I could just run free...so much that has been happening lately is making me to do so. But the shackles of life, of reality stop me from doing so.

However, who knows...maybe I shall just shrug off the shackles...and to hell with it all. :)

Granny Annie said...

Poor Daisy, she still didn't seem to get her fair share. But Cooper sure was happy.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Stopping to smell the roses has taken on a whole new meaning for me ,,,You are so right about taking a few minutes to give some encouragement to others. I does mean a lot. One smile can change a whole day. Glad all is well for you there !

Susan said...

Dear Sandie...Oh YES! I often wish I could be more free. Just do whatever I want. (Well, I do some of the time anyway. ha ha)

Loved the two little doggies video. Hilarious. Wonder if I'd be like Cooper. uh oh

Loved the post! Have a beautiful weekend. Susan

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Are those pictures for real? They are so heart warming that you want to capture them in mind for ever. Once we start seeing flowers I will stop to smell them. Even if I sneeze. LOL

Mevely317 said...

Poor Cooper ... that's hysterical, Sandie! :)

On the other hand, that photo of the owl vs. the mouse was really disturbing. I know "that's nature" but nature can be really cruel; I couldn't help but recoil.

Have a great weekend!

nancygrayce said...

For years, I have been threatening to take dance lessons because in the privacy of my own home, I dance! Anytime music plays, I dance.....but have just never taken the time to find a place that gives lessons or talked the Superhero into taking said lessons! I think he would though.

I loved the picture of the mouse flying into the arms of the cat! I have a son who is out of work and I started asking God to just drop a job into his lap as that was the only way I could see him getting one.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Linda said...

Good advice indeed!!

mail4rosey said...

I need that cat. We've got the world's smartest mouse living in this house. It's getting beyond annoying now that we can't catch him.

Donna said...

Hahaaaa...that squirrel knows how to do it!
Precious young'un!!!

renae said...

Hi Sweet Chatty / Sandie!

I am feeling a bunch better. The first night was not cool. The IV site made me fret and ache and such, but the biopsy site was so wonderful, I didn't even need any meds. awesome.

Love to you and see you on Monday! (on my blog, not it person) dang!!!

Lucy said...

THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONALy good post. Sorry I just have not kept up like I should but with not feeling well I was so dizzy, so could not focus very well. Feel pretty good now. I need a screen cleaner!!!

Unknown said...

Hope you're having a great weekend. We are having a long weekend here, St Patrick's Day. As usual I enjoy having my days off work. I love the picture of your GS and Disco, so cute. Hope all is doing fine there and that the weather is warming up for you. Funny Friday post as usual, laughed at the squirrel with the straw, animals are funny aren't they. Enjoy your Sunday!

Betty Manousos said...

free screen cleaner! haha!

i laughed so hard all the way through this one. loving your fun friday posts.

happy sunday~

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, Your words are so true. Thank you for your words and your lift.
I love the pictures you put up of the sweet animals. They are adorable. You would be a great National Geographic photographer, though some of the places they go are pretty fierce!
Blessings my dear. Catherine xo

20 North Ora said...

Truer words were never spoken. We all have so much to be grateful and thankful.Thanks for an inspirational post.


Willow said...

Aww you always make me smile !

Stephanie said...

You are SO right. My life this past week has felt very "okay" and I've been pretty whiney about it. Not ok! My life is full of 100 little blessings ever single day. Thanks for the reminder :)

Anonymous said...

Oh hubby's early birthday with family drop in out of town so missed your Fridays laughs so here now I am looking.

Oh I thought at first. Oh that is mean. The bigger dog is being teased.

Now of course would I think different.

Lots of funnies. Great laughs.

Step out of box. Of course.

oh have a great Patty's .

Carol Ann from Canada

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Well Sandie, Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's good to see all of the joy and happiness you bring to Fridays and the rest of the week!
Rebecca and Molly just left after a week, it's been fun, but I am way behind in everything!

Lynn said...

Love that screen cleaner!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. the screen cleaner is great .. then Cooper - gosh I bet he gets hiccups quite often!

Fun - and have a happy St Patrick's Day with grandson and Disco ...

Cheers and I usually am outside the line .. Hilary

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That cat picture is so cool! Awww Disco!

Love Of Quilts said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Buttercup said...

Loved the licker license. Happy St. Patrick's Day and happy every day.

Willow said...

Happy Saint Patricks Day Chatty :)))

Jim said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sandie :)

I like your screen cleaner. :)

Starry Dawn said...


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I love you, my friend!!! You already know that...but just so you know..again. :)

Jackie said...

Beautifully said....and I know that we cannot share enough smiles and love with those we encounter.
Thank you for a beautiful blogpost.
Hugs and love to you!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am peekin in on you today!

Dee said...

Wonderful post....wisdom and laughs and cuteness all in one place....♥ Love the screen cleaner LOL

Unknown said...

do you know how many times I rewatched cooper eating that ice cream and laughed uproariously every time???? about 23! THere was something else I wanted to comment on but cant remember...old age yknow?

Unknown said...

Now I recall... that owl photo freaks me out... they are beautiful but we had a snowy owl in our back yard a year or two ago that swooped skip that way... I saw him coming and ran for skip and picked him up fast! He could have done some damage to the guy with those talons! very scary!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh you are so, so correct, Sandie-we need to embrace nature and see just what God has created, when we spend time appreciating the treasures in life our hearts are always more grateful.
Thank you for the reminder on staying steadfast in being a true friend through good times and bad.
With love,

Rob-bear said...

No "Licker licence." Gives one pause to think. You need a licence to do what comes naturally? "Land for the free" you say?

This Bears some investigation.

Blessings and Bear hugs!