"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, June 25, 2018

Happy Monday - Much To Do About Nothing

My problem on LEAVING comments on blogs.
If you have a blog that has the comment section on the same page as your post (comments are embedded) - I cannot leave you a comment anymore and if I don't have your email address I can't get in touch with you.
If you change your comments to pop-up style - I can comment.
I don't know why it has changed because I could a month ago.
Does anyone else have that problem?  I know of one other blogger friend that has the same issue.
I do miss my friends I can't comment on anymore, but I can't figure it out.
If you want me to comment on your post I have to have a pop-up comment form.

Also thank you to all the friends I have that changed it for me.  I am a lucky gal.


Did you see something that does not belong there?
A panda bear?
Answer below.

Grandsons Corner - This is what he has to be deciding soon.

Disco's Corner:



My other family:
my son, his wife, and my other adorable grandson on vacation out west.

I love this little guy too - don't get to see him as much as the other one - but I still love him a lot!

A thought to leave you with:

"Above all else, 
guard your heart, 
for everything you do flows 
from it."

Proverbs 4:23

(The answer is - the panda bear is on about row six on the right. Did you find it?)

Oh and one important thing from
Diana and Sandra:
How to get comments made on your blog go to your email again.

Go into your design wall and on left hand side go into your settings and then click on email and then where you have your email address in the comment notification box, delete it and then save and then re enter your email address and save again.

Then you will get an email from blogger with a invitation to receive comment notification and then click on SUBSCRIBE and then your emails will start coming through to your email address.

Make SURE you hit SAVE when you delete your old email address and then re-enter the address and save it again.  Fingers crossed it works!

You will get an "invitation" in your email to 
subscribe to the comments.

Unfortunately it won't fix my problem above.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So far I've only had one person who's blog I couldn't comment on. She made some changes and now I can. I think it depend on how you have that set up too. I've get to try changing my email. I'm a little afraid it will go wrong. I don't like all the changes, but will continue to blog until I can't. Yes it is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice...Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Miriam Jonathan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MadSnapper n Beau said...

Disco has the most adorable face.... and I can tell he loves grandpa as much as grandpa loves him... nice to see your other grandson and his family..

betty said...

Disco is a spoiled pup (and shouldn't they all be spoiled?) That was a funny cartoon about the dog and the magnets. Good thing about grandson is he is still young so if he does one course and that doesn't work out, he's young enough to recalculate so to speak and get on a different track (provided he doesn't do something stupid, LOL, but we trust that he won't). Oh to be young again! Looks like your son and his family were enjoying their time on vacation too!


The Feminine Energy said...

I changed my settings, Sandie, to the pop-up variety. Thank you for explaining about it and making your need known. Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

Linda said...

I just changed my comments to pop up style.....I’ve never changed it before so I hope it works!

Sandi said...

I am wondering if this comment will work.

Can you comment on my blog?

I did not know peppers can be boys or girls! But I did see the panda. :)

jack69 said...

I found the Panda. I always enjoy the visit and comments. HOWEVER I do not agree with 'Anonymous' comment.' LOL.... He must have had a bad exp. in life. My All American woman is great. I don't doubt that foreign women are also. BUT I would not change for the world!

Anyway Imma go back and try to see what kind of comments I have, I have never checked before....

Jackie said...

I changed my comments to pop up style, today.
I've never changed it before, so please let me know if it works.
(I have comment moderation enabled, so I do have to approve before posting, but I haven't seen your comments in a while. I hope this helps, my friend.)

Jackie said...

Disco is precious!

Jill said...

Love the variety in this post! Disco is so very cute and I did not know that about peppers! Thank you for the information on the comments, I was just talking about my trouble with comments I had missed on my blog post I posted today. I will try to go get this changed too! Have a wonderful afternoon!


Abby said...

Peppers have genders? Who knew!?
That's a cute picture of your "other" family, and looks like a nice vacation spot.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The panda didn't jump out at me so no didn't see it but of course when I went back to check I could see it.

Damn it is cold here this morning

Terri D said...

Sandie, I did find the panda. I'm pretty good at those pattern puzzles. I'm sorry you can't post on my blog!! None of my other regular commenters seem to be missing. I did do the fix for email comments and that is working fine for me again. Have you contacted the blogger folks to see if there is a fix? I tried the pop-up thing and hated working with it so I went back to the embedded one. That is a great photo of your "other" family!! Looks like they had a great vacation! Love & hugs to you!

Red Rose Alley said...

Having the same problem with comments, as you know, Sandie. And I know what you mean about missing friends you can't comment on any more. That Disco is sure a cutie.

Yes, I saw the panda bear!


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....thank goodness for the pop-up comments! They work for me every time. : )

NanaDiana said...

I changed from embedded comments to pop ups as soon as you told me. It would make sense for anyone that wants to get more comments to do that-it doesn't hand any effect on the way we blog so why not do it?

I did find the panda bear! lol

Have a great night, Sandie. It is fun to see you posting again! xo Diana

LL Cool Joe said...

Thanks for your comment on my other blog. I'll put the comment thingy on as a pop up and see if you can comment then, but my only issue is when it's as a pop up I then can't comment on peoples comments if you get me?

Granny Annie said...

Thank you so much for helping me fix my email notifications!!!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...

I am still getting your comments and others' on my blog. Do I have to do anything? Susan

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Ole Blogger/Google..... The problems never end, do they? I have used the pop up version since I started Blogger. I love it... When I use it ---if I am trying to comment (and need to know how to spell something)--it's right there for me to go back to.... LOVE it...

The embedded ones are much harder----scrolling up and down and trying to remember what I was trying to say!!!!! I haven't had trouble leaving comments though on the embedded ones ---but I will say that sometimes I will write a comment --and before I can post it, it will disappear. Then I have to start over again.... Disheartening...

I am receiving some email posts now --but not everyone's (that I was signed up to receive)..... Not sure how Blogger can decide who I get posts from via email and who I can't.... I probably will eventually give up the email idea completely --and just post using my Blogger List on my Blogger Dock.. It's pretty much up-to-date now I think....

I do miss knowing when someone posts a comment on my blog.. I used to get those notifications on my email. Someone said that Blogger is not going to do that anymore... I have to go to my blog in order to see who has commented... Oh Well.. tis Life!!!

Always love your posts.. The magnet one made me laugh outloud.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can't believe you are still having issues. Had you done Sandra's directions. Yes I found the thing that didn't belong. I love the magnet joke! I didn't know that about peppers. Looks like your family is taking a wonderful vacation. Have a nice week.

Nonnie said...

I love the dog on the fridge and Disco with his grandpa. I also like the photo of your other family! Cute boy. Sad when we don't get to see them as often. I miss out on a lot of our two out of town grandsons! Thanks for posting all the helps on your blog for others. That's really nice of you. Also, the male and female peppers is funny to me in light of a conversation earlier this week about male and female watermelons. I never knew such things before.

Dar said...

I found the Panda.....cute., and cute Disco always. Tell Andy that I STILL don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up ! I never knew that about the peppers but I did know about the watermelon differences.......I must have a lot of ' gender ' going on in our pumpkin field because I think every single one of those thousand-some seeds I planted are growing strong.~ Nice family pictures of hubby, Disco and the kids. Nice, nice, nice.
love n' hugs from up north

Small Kucing said...

oh dear... i have been away for a month and so many things happened.

Another glitch in the system? Hmmm ... am not sure whether mine is pop up or not. will check and see.

mail4rosey said...

I didn't see the panda, but I see it now. And yep, those arrows we have to always remember no matter our age. ;) LOL on the refrigerator magnet. You have a nice looking family, all of 'em. :) I hope your trip was nice!

Anonymous said...

found you!!!

Starry Dawn said...

Oh, dear! I don't really know if I have issues with blogger, since I hardly write anything new on my many blogs. I hope you can solve your blogger troubles, and your friends can solve their troubles too, so that you may all communicate with each other without issues. I love the joke with the dog & the magnet in the fridge. It made me laugh out loud. I found the panda in between the elephant's heads. Your dog, Disco is so spoiled and happy with his granddad & all of you, his family. Your son, his wife and your baby grandson look really happy crossing the Majestic Mountains in their Summer Vacation. I wish you could post new comments in some of my blogs, so that I'll see if I receive new comments or not. I hope I don't have to change anything... All the Best, Starry.