"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, July 09, 2018

OHIO IN THE SUMMER TIME IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Last week we drove from HOTLANTA north to Ohio.  It took us slowpokes about 8 hours with all the stops and the dog.  Now the funny thing is we were expecting cooler weather going that far north.  NO WAY - we drove north and it was 10 degrees warmer than here.  

My son and his family live there and we took everyone including Disco with us.  We only get to see them once a year.  My son is a physician and is quite busy, so when we get a chance to see them - I try to stop all else and really visit.  They have one son who is 7 - therefore I have a 17 year old and 7 year old grandsons.  They are both a joy.

We decided to go to the zoo - if you can believe that one - in near 100 degrees - but we did it.  So tell me - why do kids not feel heat?  I don't get it.  No matter we had a nice time.

There are two pictures in one.


Disco did not have the greatest trip.  He was much better with my son's family - I guess he has half halfheartedly allowed them into our 'pack', but he wasn't happy about it.  He had an ear infection - we had medicine - $70 can you believe it?  Got that taken care of.  He didn't bite or growl as usual, but he was stressed and worried where my daughter was at all times.  I never knew he could howl - yet my DIL got a video of him doing it.  I want to try to figure out how to get it on here - it was so cute.  They say that by howling he was trying to find his pack.  Poor baby.  I got it on here - I just can't figure out how to get it to play - but take my word he was cute.

This is so us.



"Above all else, 
guard your heart, 
for everything you do flows 
from it."

Proverbs 4:23

I still can't leave a comment if you have your blog comments embedded.
I can only leave comments on pop-up style.
I know I am not the only one.
Google did something.
I know why some of you like them - because you can leave a comment right there,
But ask yourself - do bloggers come back and read the comments you left?
Do you go back to read others?
I know I am being like a pit bull here, but I HATE losing touch with friends.
But I do respect your decision.
I won't bother y'all again.  I promise.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Yes, it has been hot, hot, hot up north but it finally broke last Friday. It was a wonderful weekend for a change with cool temps and low humidity. It sounds like you had a great time despite the heat. Poor Disco, I hope he has recovered from his anxiety and ear infection.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Since I live in Ohio, I can tell you yes! it was hot but you missed the wonderful weekend we just had in the 70's and low humidity. We got a break from the heat ! The terrible hot and humid days are not our norm. So glad you got to visit with your son and other grandson. Having children of my own that live out of state I do know how difficult that can be. Nice that disco was nice even though he missed home and wasn't feeling well with an ear infection. Too bad the video wouldn't play but it's a great picture. I can just hear the howl! How cute !

Anonymous said...

its been hot here as well but the nights are cool ,, sounds like you have had some good times, I think I fixed my blog for you to comment but not sure,, we shall see, take care my friend,, I always enjoy my visit here,, you make me smile and you make me think!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry we cant hear the howl.. poor baby. two very handsome grandsons, the big and the little of grandsons.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI, I had trouble leaving comments last week on a couple of embedded posts... I couldn't even write the first word. I would start to write and the comment would just go away....

Sorry about all of the heat --even in Ohio. We had family here on the 4th --and it was miserable outside. We did sit out on the deck late in the afternoon --but even then, it was hot and humid.

Both of your grandsons are handsome young men...

Sorry about Disco. Hope he is feeling better.

Love the 'laughter' photos you put on today (the dogs in line and the romantic couple)... ha ha


Abby said...

Hot, hot everywhere. But sounds like a nice trip otherwise. Nice photo of the grandsons/ cousins. Poor Disco. I'm glad he's better, and I assume he's happy to be home with the "pack".

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Seems you went to Ohio during a heat wave! Whew it's been a toasty summer. Love seeing your Grandsons together. Oh poor Disco. Take care sweet friend.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - great grandsons ... and how lovely you were able to spend some time with the family - even if it was 'very hot' ... take care and I loved the photos - cheers Hilary

betty said...

Brave people to go to the zoo in the heat and humidity! I think we condition ourselves to think something is hot; kids really don't understand that until maybe later especially if they are in an area that might be cool then go somewhere hot. I see kids here playing all the time in hot weather, but they are used to it. If they were born here, its all they know, know what I mean?

Glad you had a good visit with your son and his family! Poor Disco; I think he did the best he could with what he had to work with, with unfamiliar places, long car ride, etc. Nice to know he wants his pack with him!


Terri D said...

Pop-up comments don't work for me on my blog. I have several folks who email their comments to me, as you do now and then. I appreciate it when I hear from you!! Glad you enjoyed your HOT trip north to Ohio. Your boys are both quite handsome!! Disco is a funny guy but glad you could take him with you!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Poor little Disco. I have noticed that before, that kid's don't notice the heat. I think I will ask Google about it. I saw both pictures!!! And I am not good about things like that. Wonderful pics of both your grandsons! I love the one with the giraffe! I don't know how on earth you coped at the zoo in that heat!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh wow, Ohio hot? Glad y’all got to go. Poor Disco! I don’t know which kind of comment style I have. I will look into it. Yes rarely I go back to see if questions have been answered. I am still figuring out what blogger did change

Paula said...

Glad you had a nice time.

Mevely317 said...

You're right! I don't remember ever feeling ill effects from the hot weather when I was a kid. So Big Boy hamburger chains still exist? That was our teenage 'go-to' spot in the 60's!

Lee said...

Dear Disco. Our animals sure can find their various voices when they feel the need. My two furry rascals have found theirs in various tones and levels during the chilly spell we are experiencing here at present. They want me to go back to bed so they can snuggle up close to me. :)

Red Rose Alley said...

What a fun trip to Ohio! I always like the delightful quotes you share, Sandie. Poor Disco. I hope he feels better with his ear infection. I love that dog picture of all of them lined up hahaha. And I smiled when I saw the last plea about the comments. I'm still not able to comment on some as well.

Happy July days, Sandie. And I see the face!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

When we took Leo to Dreamworld for his last birthday it was stinking bloody hot and made us wonder why we went during Summer

jack69 said...

Glad you got a chance to go North. Yep sometimes that temp is a disappointment. sometimes we have to go all the way to Maine to find cooler weather, but not this year. I caught the pictures, itis a WOW, funny once you see one pic it is hard to make your mind go back. LOL

Love from North CArolina


glad you got to visit. sounds like a good time was had by all. poor disco. i hope his ear infection is gone soon.

CHERI said...

So glad you had a nice trip to Ohio to see your family. We grandmamas need some time with those precious grandkids!!! I was complaining to my husband today about the horrible heat here in south GA. Can't believe it was hotter up North than in Atlanta! I used to love the heat of summer but not anymore. Give me the crisp air of fall and even the cold of winter...I can always sit by my fireplace. I hope you will still visit my blog and maybe send me a comment via email. I'm still having problems with comments! Oh well! The life of blogging!

Nonnie said...

What fantastic pics of your grandsons together! Good looking boys. I'm so glad you got to visit with your son. How impressive that he is a doctor. I don't think I knew that. And WOW to that pic of two pics and also Disco, but I wasn't able to watch the video. Not sure why. Anyway, what a great post! That pic at the end of the couple, that is so us sometimes! Was it also humid in Ohio?

Susan said...

Your grandsons are darling, Sandie. Handsome boys. Your son is handsome, too. So glad your trip went well. Thanks for sharing. Susan

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So glad that you had a nice trip. Wish you could see them more often. Maybe when the 7 year old gets older he could come for a visit in the summertime. Us moving to CA years ago took our kids away from their cousins. I loved when everyone grew up together. Disco is so cute. Skye doesn't travel well, hates the car ride but does okay at other houses. I love all of your funnies and I did see what's in the puzzle.

peggy said...

I love all your fun stuff, the dog picture is super. I always like seeing family members too. I have just been really busy with my garden and things needing repairs but all is well with me. So nice to visit you tonight.

mail4rosey said...

I've never seen a line at a 'boy's bathroom.' It's usually only at the girls, hahahahaha.

We were lucky with our trip to Ohio. It was so cool we still needed jackets at times. My mom said it got scorching hot right after we left. :)

Glad you got to see your son and his family. Sorry Disco isn't a big fan of vacay time. Probably he was more a fan of going than being left behind with a sitter, he just doesn't know it, right? :)

I can't see the second in the puzzle!! I'm going back to look again!

Starry Dawn said...

Howdy! WOW! I've just seen this superb post. I love it, my friend! Thank you, darling for sharing your beautiful world & inner wisdom with us! I highly appreciate your sincerity, also your wonderful friendship. I enjoy reading all your posts, but this one is especially unique. You show your great love for your children, grandchildren, family, and for your puppy, Disco too. I miss seeing him howling in your video, for it didn't show his singing. I imagine it must have been awesome calling out for his pack family. Your two grandchildren are indeed, very handsome. You are a proud grandmom. Well, you all must have been very tired to drive long hours up north under intense heat. Disco must have suffered a lot as well. I hope he recovered from his ear infection. I heard -from good friends who live in Ohio- that it's a very beautiful State. You should go there and visit your son more often, if he is unable to travel, so that you all may see each other several times a year, and enjoy family moments to the best. Please, let me know if you got my comment. Thank you, my sweet dear friend, for keeping posting uplifting things, and jokes in YOUR WONDERFUL, OUTSTANDING BLOG!! God may bless you all forever.

Lynn said...

Oh no - poor Disco! I hope he has recovered from his trip trauma.

anniemaria192 said...

"I enjoy reading your post guys,,, just keep posting. Short Summer Quotes