"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, September 09, 2019


First of all the worst weather lately has been that of hurricane Dorian.  
We especially hurt when we see others hurting.
So prayers for all affected by Doran.

After Doran it is hard to complain about Atlanta's weather - 
but I will.

We have another two weeks of high 90's predicted.
Oh vey to the a/c bill.
But thank God we have a/c and can pay the bill.


Not the same group of people - just the difference time and schools make.

A Blast From the Past:

Okay and I can only tell you all this - but when grandson was little when I put him to bed - we had routine of reading a book and singing some eight songs. 
 I HAD to sing these songs before he would go to sleep.
I think it was my wonderful sing voice - right?  heehee
No he was stalling going to bed!

The songs were:

The ABC song.
Twinkle - Twinkle Little Star
(Do you know those have the same tunes?)
Mamma's gonna buy you a mockingbird
Baa Baa Black sheep
I'll Fly Away 
Amazing Grace
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves the Little Children



My mom sang this to me.
I sang to my children.
They sung to their children. 


I always say there is some truth to a joke:


Love, Chatty
(If these photos belong to you - please let me know and I will give you credit!)


jack69 said...

Only Dean Martin's "Memories are made of this" from our dating years. I know mama sang to us kids, bit now I draw a blank. Happens a 80 more and more.
I enjoyed this post so very much, it is always good to visit your house.

Of course it was your singing voice! LOL
Love ya!
Sherry & jack
Good graphics too!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thankfully we got a break from the heat last week, with cooler temps in the low 70's, I wast prepared for it an am glad we'll be in the mid 80's this week, It's cheaper to pay the a/c bill than to heat the house here. Nice to see how the kids have changed in the pictures. 4 years does make a difference.

Abby said...

Nice freshmen pics! What a difference 4 years makes. He'll change a lot this year too!
That's sweet that you sang to him - 8 songs! I remember one Christmas, I got a simple keyboard as a present. My mom wanted to try it, and she played a lovely rendition of "Silent Night". I never knew she could play!
Laughed out loud at the AOC meme!
Have a great week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is a world of difference between freshman in high school and college. plus times and styles change so quickly.. great shots, both of these. we are baking along with you. our AC has been running non stop in the 90's since the first week of April. the hottest we have ever been and the highest power bills in the past 30 years in this house. you are my sunshine will be an ear worm now, I wonder if there is anyone in USA that doesn't know that song

Sandee said...

It's cooled off here, but that will change as we near the weekend. We turned the heater on the last two mornings. I hope it cools off for you soon.

I know all those songs, but I'm old.

Have a fabulous day and week, Sandie. ♥

betty said...

It was good to look at the 2 pictures; I know they represent different kids, but just the maturity level from freshman high school and freshman college. How is grandson doing? Adjusting? I liked your bedtime routine. They sure fight sleep and we welcome it. That is hot weather and if it is muggy than it is miserable. How humidity has been higher here (23%, usually its less than 13%) so with the heat I can feel the humidity more. Looking forward to a bit of a cool down in October. Very true that we have to make our own happiness. Ma is good at that!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this post. What a great choice of songs you sung to him!! I DID know that both of those songs have the same tune, but I had forgotten! I especially love the pieces of soul about happiness. And the cursive thing, it is so funny! And sadly; TRUE for too many. Phil & I dated in the late 60's, so you can just imagine how many of those songs bring back memories. Lots of British invasion!! I'll Fly Away...Phil plays it on his accordion at funerals.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, the Bahamas really got hit hard along with the Carolina's. It's so sad. Glad you were okay. We have been over 100 often this year but of course we don't have your humidity. Love the joke about "what are you cooking!" Definitely more grown up. Fun times for them now before they hit the business world. I did not know those two songs have the same tune. Yep, we need to make our own happiness. Lot's of songs bring back memories of H.S. to me.

Mevely317 said...

Ya, Betty hit the nail on the wall with her observation of differing maturing levels. You can absolutely see that in Andy's expression!
I'm not familiar with that Tricia Yearwood song, but will be playing it shortly. What a great title! So many memories are awakened, like discovering an old scrapbook.

PS - The song I sing to my (fur)babies each morning is, "Jesus Loves Me."

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Sandie, I used to sing "You are my sunshine" to my kids all the time. It is the song that has sweet memories attached to it. I smiled at the song "Jesus loves me," as that song is very special to me. I did not know that twinkle and abc had the same tune. I'll have to pass that on to moms Jess and Nel. That's so funny that you had to sing your grandson eight songs before he went to bed. I hope he's doing well in his first year of college.

It's still hot here too, and I have the a/c going right now. But the mornings have been cooler, telling me Autumn is on its way.

Your posts are always awesome, Sandie. I absolutely love the "happiness" picture.


Julierose said...

My Mom sang "You Are my Sunshine" to me every night =--that and "Brahms Lullaby" You made me smile at this memory thanks so much hugs, Julierose

photowannabe said...

I had to sing a "ton" of songs to my youngest every night
One he loved was "Oh how I love Jesus, oh how I love jesus, Oh how I love Jesus ...because He first loved me"...on the word me he would say me...me...me...and always point to himself as he said it.
Hadn't thought of that for years.
Love this whole post...
The temps have cooled down a bit for the last few days...into the 80's so the AC isn't on right now...I hate to see our bill when it comes.

Terri D said...

What a fun post! My mom sang all the time and I particularly remember her singing with the radio playing "I found my thrill on blueberry hill"... isn't that silly?! xoxox

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Many songs bring memories to mind for me but right now I can't thinnk of a single one

Linda said...

It's hot in Texas, too! Misery loves company! Hahaha!!
Your posts are always so much fun!!
That was a beautiful song by Trisha Yearwood. I had not heard it before.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

My mother sang You Are My Sunshine often. I sang it to my children and then my grandchildren.

Hot here in the north also. 90’s expected tomorrow.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi! I'm so sorry about the deadly path of Hurricane Dorian.
I don't like neither hurricanes nor tornadoes, mudslides, snow avalanches.
I pray for the victims. I think it happens every year in the same areas.
A blast from the past. I also sang "Twinkle, Little Star" to my baby girl.
Now, I can sing many other songs, plus lullabies. I sang other baby songs
-when my daughter was a little baby. I would have liked to go back
into those days back in time. She was born in New York. I took my baby
to the Botanical Gardens every single day, when the weather was nice.
I love the new photo with your son and grandson. I read one of your past post -which impressed me a great deal- that you did sky diving into the air with a parachute. I guess you jumped from a plane into the air. Who jumped first, you, your son or your grandson? You must have been a brave grandmom to have done all that. I won't ever do it! I'm scared of high altitudes.
I suffer from Vertigo. Thanks God, you finally wrote comments in my posts!
I highly appreciate you are showing your kindness to me. There are no such things -as hurricanes where I live, but on the West Side by the Andes Mountains, there are deadly Earthquakes now and then. I live on the East Side by the Southern Atlantic Ocean Overseas.
We make plans to go back to New York, if that is God's will, in the near future. We live in an unsafe, chaotic place filled up with turmoil...
My birthday is soon coming up. We are turning into a pretty Spring Time.
You are going into the Fall Season. Hot weather kills me. I like a nice one.
Greetings from Overseas.

Jim said...

Wow, Sandie, for a shorter post this round you packed a big punch!! For starters, I like your cartoon, its wacky funny. I make clothing too, none have words but they are adapted from ... One is a pair of cutoffs with a lot of holes made from a wornout pair of cargo pants. Another is a pajama top with cutoff sleeves made from a winter pair. It matches a Haines drawstring summer set and is decent enough to go outside and get the paper or answer the door.
My favorite song is one I pick from our classic 60's and 70's rock station. Once in a while they sneak in an 80's but it will never be my favorite. Or it could be a new or oldie church song. The are all replaceable ear bugs.
Speaking of that, Mrs. Jim has started Vaping. She was afraid she was having a heart problem, heavy chest and being winded, our cardio doctor tested her and all seemed fine.
So he recommended she see a pulmonary dr. He did a bunch of checking and testing and decided she had developed asthma. It can come at any age and there is no cure, only relief of symptoms. One of her meds is a vape prescription named Breo, a metered powder inhaled through a clever handheld device. It rations to one deep inhale a morning. There is also a pill, doctor's choice, to take at night. A must have per Breo instructions.
And I have osteoarthritis which also came on fast. I walk with a cane to take weight off my hip and help my balance. The "xray" guided joint injection into the hip joint and then therapy haven't helped much.
I hope this isn't dumping on you, mostly I wanted to tell of Mrs. Jim's new controlled Vapes. Really all comes with getting old.

Hena Tayeb said...

Our temps have been a bit here and there.. we've had the cool 70's as well the late 80's..

photowannabe said...

Hi Sandi, you asked what scared me into loosing weight and getting out of Diabetes...
I had no idea I had diabetes. My former Dr. never said anything and I was just plain fat..feeling not so hot but not knowing why.
My new Dr. looked at my chart and looked me square in the eye with the "Sinefield Soup Nazi" look and said point blank "you have Diabetes". I almost fell off the table. She then said while this was sinking in..NO FLOUR...NO FRUIT.. I thought gosh what do I eat? I took her seriously and said I don't want to be on meds the rest of my life and knew I needed to loose weight..so I just said ok, this is it..going to do it for a better life.
It took 2 years but I still have more pounds to go but its a lot harder to loose these last pounds.
I do eat some more carbs and some fresh fruit this summer but I can feel when its too much. It makes me feel icky. I do miss pizza, pasta and ice cream most of all. I do treat my self to ice cream or bread occasionally..but my Dr. is always looming over my shoulder...haha.

Natalia said...

My son also loves Twinkle Little Star, but Itsy Bitsy Spider is his favourite☺

R's Rue said...


StyleOfLife said...

I follow you on gfc #711, follow back? :)


R's Rue said...


mail4rosey said...

Yikes on the cursive. I hate that people are not learning it. And they're not. I sang to my kids. My daughter recently sent me lyrics in a text to a song she loved when she was little. I told her I have the CD still if she wants it for her daughter. She was delighted. :)

Danielle L Zecher said...

It has been HOT here, too. They say tomorrow will be cooler, and I hope they're right.

My dad is in his 60s and still talks about his grandmother singing Bringing in the Sheaves to him, though when he was really little he thought it was called Bringing in the Cheese.

Bijoux said...

Visiting you from Danielle's blog. I enjoyed your post. I sang lots of songs to my kids (many from Kindermusik program) and now I find myself singing them to my 2 year old grandson.

Nonnie said...

Awwwwww, your handsome young man. He will remember those songs forever. That is so sweet. Kids do have a way with the stalling at bedtime. My mother loved to sing and an early memory I have of her is sitting down at the piano to teach me a grown-up song, In the Garden. It’s too darn hot here in Texas and looking ahead, I don’t see any relief. Funny cartoons out there about AOL.

Jill said...

I have quite a few songs that bring back great memories.... We've had very hot weather as well and it's hard to get ready for fall when all my flowers are still blooming and it's 90 degrees lol. I hope you have a wonderful week.


Lowcarb team member said...

Love the sunshine song... but our weather here in the UK is rather wet at the moment!

All the best Jan