"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, March 16, 2020


Times are tough for everyone - in every county now with this Covid 19 virus.
We are so incredibly blessed to be in a country that is able to be so pro-active.
Yes, bad things happen to good people, but I do believe we are doing the best we can.
We need to look at our blessings and do the best to take care of ourselves, help others,


If you wonder why - and I did - that everything is closing here is an explanation that I felt answered my question:


“May you always be blessed with walls for the wind. A roof for the rain. A warm cup of tea by the fire. Laughter to cheer you. Those you love near you. And all that your heart might desire.”

—Irish Proverb

I do have some Irish in me.  However for St. Patrick's Day - I think we all do! 


He's all ready ready to stay in for weeks!
Totally unaware of any virus.
He has his family home, his food, and a place to rest his head.


Would you say a prayer for my son and his family? He's a physician working  indirectly with the virus, but that is going to be changing this week.  I pray for his safety and his family's safety too.  
His wife is also a physician as well. 
Their home is not a very safe place to be at this time.
Doctors don't get mandated to stay home like us - they get mandated to work no matter what!  
I think they are unsung heroes.   I know they want to be safe from this virus too.
Of course they want to help people, that is not the problem.  
My grandson does have a good sitter at this time - thank goodness. 
I covet any prayers you are willing to send up for them.  
Thank you!


Bijoux said...

I prayed just now for them. My daughter and son-in-law are RN's and are under tremendous stress due to the shortage of those special masks. My SIL said he may have had a patient with the virus yesterday, so they are a bit freaked out, as they have a 7 month old and 2.5 yr old at home.

Buttercup said...

Big prayers and thanks for your son and daughter in law and all of their colleagues. Stay in touch and prayers for all of our good health!

Theresa said...

Praying for your Son, DIL and that family as well as ALL of the healthcare workers who can't just stay at home until the virus clears (and it will)! I am staying in and will until I have to leave the house. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way! *I used that same picture earlier on my blog, it says a lot*

Sandi said...

We should all be like Disco! 😃

Praying for your son's family.

Mevely317 said...

That matches photo? Powerful way to illustrate a point! Absolutely, I'm honored to hold your son and DIL in my prayer consciousness. Tom's DIL is an RN in a Phoenix neuro ICU. Originally she complained about all the media hype and this not being more serious than the flu, yadada. But yesterday she admitted, now everyone is being screened before being allowed to enter.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Praying for your son, his wife and all those in the medical profession. They are heroes ! What would we do without them. Disco truly does have the right idea. Enjoy what we have !

jack69 said...

Good read today, informative, Thanks. Prayers for your Son and family. Yes Drs. and all health care folk need our concern and prayers. The best to you and hubby as well.
Sherry & jack

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just prayed for your son and his wife, to keep them safe through this trying time .. I love the match lesson, perfect. wish I could hug Disco, even though I know he might nip me. ha ha.

Sandee said...

Prayers for your son and family. Prayers for everyone affected by this virus. Big hugs honey. ♥

Cheri said...

Praying for your son and his family, it is hard for those in service of some sort to their job and yet be vigilant about what is going on. PS- Love the little jokes. Take care and stay safe.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Prayers for your KY son and family... They are unsung heroes --and do help so many people.

You all stay healthy and safe in GA.... We'll try to do the same here in TN.


barbara woods said...

prayers baby sis

Julierose said...

Sending prayers and good thoughts...hugs, Julierose

Ginny Hartzler said...

I will pray for them! This is an awful time to be a healthcare worker! I love your dancing hippo in the green tutu!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very nice post Sandie. I will be praying for your entire family. These are very scary times. I'll be in my house most likely for months! I am very disappointed over what happened this weekend where people treated it like party time or a snow day. They needed to stay home!!

LL Cool Joe said...

Praying for your son and his family at this scary time.

Love the match meme. So true!

Terri D said...

Prayers for your son and daughter-in-law and all close to them. Bless them! Sandie, I am stealing the matches graph. Love you, dear friend!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I am praying for you,your son, your daughter in law and your entire family. May God keep every one in his protection. Amen.
Times are tough, but God will help us get through these times as he has always helped us.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Of course I will pray for your son and his family, it must be so hard for those in the medicial profession

betty said...

Good reminder for us to pray for your son/DIL as well as all health care providers as well as first responders!! Happy St. Patrick's Day!! This too will pass!


Abby said...

While some have no work - restaurants, entertainment, travel... - the medical community is swamped. Praying each day for progress. Thanks for checking in!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - your family are doing their best in the very challenging circumstances - I hope all is well for them all. We need to remember all those who have very little - take care ... cheers Hilary

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, I will certainly say a prayer for your son and his family, Sandie. What a wonderful thing he is doing helping others and working through all this. Disco sure looks cute and comfy there under the covers. And it's good he doesn't know what's going on - he just feels safe and loved. The snow angels quote was funny. I don't really get the match picture. You'll have to tell me about it. Yes, we do have a country that takes care of things right away. Here is California, they are doing everything they can to stop the spread. Very smart and competent people are helping out every day.

Happy St. Patrick's Day. And it wonderful that you are part Irish! I've always thought it was a great heritage.


photowannabe said...

I agree that on St. Paddy's Day we all have a bit of Irish in us.
This Swede is simmering a Corned Beef for dinner tonight.
Prayers for us all during this time of difficulties.
Prayers for health, safety and a whole new measure of love and kindness.

photowannabe said...

P.S. Definitely prayers for your son and his wife.
The medical field is a difficult place to be right now.
My son's a R.N. in Emergency...a crazy place to be right now!


saying prayers for your son and family. could you also say one for my youngest daughter. she is a microbiologist. she was exposed to the virus. has had symptoms. she has respiratory issues and is on portable oxygen. she's waiting for the test kits to become available in her area so she can be tested. my other daughter also works in a hospital so i worry about her too. it's a sad st. patricks day.

Hena Tayeb said...

It a really tough time for everyone. keeping your family in my prayers.

Susan said...

Oh Sandie, of COURSE I will pray for your son and his wife. God bless both of them. This is a terrible time for our country and for the whole world, really. Your post was good though. It had some sweet things in it. Susan

Starry Dawn said...

AMERICA. I agree with you, Sandie, with your wise statement. Times are tough for everyone - in every county worldwide with this Covid 19 virus.
We are so incredibly blessed to be in a country that is able to be so pro-active. Yes, bad things happen to good people, but I do believe we are doing the best we can. We need to look at our blessings and do the best to take care of ourselves, help others, whenever it's possible.
Yes! I'll be praying for your son, his wife, your baby grandson, and each and everyone who needs prayers in this difficult time we all live in.
We are going through the same situation in our area. We live like 2 HERMITS with our cat, Baylee. We only go outside, whenever it's necessary.