REAL NEW WORD - made up by the younger generation.
FOMO - a new saying meaning fear of missing out.
WHY do you think they made up this word?
I really don't know. Maybe they all want to make sure they are not missing out on something - and fear if they do - ? WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?
Well I am not a FOMO now - while Georgia in my humble opinion idiotically opened up this past Friday - I am not afraid of missing something - I am afraid of getting something I do not want.
I do not feel Governor Kemp showed two weeks of data showing that the virus had slowed down here.
I do not know how you can get a haircut, tattoo, or massage with social distancing. Want to go to a movie? Out to dinner?
And we are still sheltered in place until April 30th. How does that work? How can that be?
I love Georgia - but I don't like their opening so early. Personally when the Governor gave his news conference - he inferred that the virus cases would come back - but not to worry - as we have AMPLE hospital rooms - tests - etc.
Well who are going to need those rooms?
Young people?
No, old people.
Personally I feel that he chose to help younger people rather than older people. I know they have to start back to work and earn money for their families - but would three weeks more be the end of the world for them - it could be for us?
Sorry to put out my views like this - I guess that staying sheltered like I was told to do - has made me crazy!
QUESTION FOR YOU - and I really want to know - how are YOU going to handle reopening - are you going to just go out there - or are you going to stay in - W H A T ???

I have to remember this.

This is like Disco - grandson has been gone for so long - now he is home - and they fight for the same chair.


No brother (grandson) this is MY chair.

I will not be going out anytime soon for sure...sheltering in place for us...I agree about early openings--crazy!;000
~ ~ ~ still masked and gloved Julierose
I paid the opening NO ATTENTION and will be staying in. Don't get me wrong, it is tempting but will just stay home a while longer. My hairdresser is back working but I won't be going anytime soon. Lots of businesses are staying closed even after being told they can open. I feel bad for the business owners but won't be visiting. I am however feeling like driving thru somewhere for take-out soon, just tired of eating my own cooking. Enjoy your day dear friend, this too shall pass! HUGS!
I think our governor is doing a news conference today on what will be opening in May. Honestly, I'm near the end of my rope with all of this, but it's been over 6 weeks of staying at home for us. We've decided we are going to see our grandkids next weekend. We won't be going to restaurants or getting haircuts and will avoid crowds for now, but one on one time with loved ones at home is worth the risk to us.
i have found that the dog always wins the chair fight.. love Disco in his chair. we are watching our governor and he is about to do the same thing. i don't know what they are thinking and don't know what the white house is thinking. what ever THEY do, we will continue to stay home and shop once a week with a mask... we will not be visiting anything that opens early, although bob did say when they open the YMCA pool again he will go..
I have no FOMO. I'm not afraid to miss out on something. I'm staying in for as long as I can. To me its better safe than sorry. People are starting to go out here and my DD said that no safe distancing is being done in a lot of cases. The virus is not over when they still show an in crease in deaths every day.I'm staying in and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
There comes a time when feeding your family comes before much else. I think many are there and want to get back to work. Us retired folks are mostly okay, there there are millions upon millions that need to get back to work. There are pros and cons all over the map.
Have a fabulous day and week. Stay well, my friend. ♥
Not a FOMO, and I haven't heard it yet! BUT I will I am sure. LOL We haven't changed here in NC. We will be careful when we do open up. We will take a short trip in May. BUT will not mix with people. We will check into the RV park from a distance and probably only walk in the mountains for a couple weeks.
FOMO? I know Seniors will miss the Prom, although I never went myself, I know it is a big deal. Even Graduation (which I never did) is a big deal that will be missed by some, but in reality it will be some of the best stories of some of the kids lives FOREVER!
I saw Bijoux's comment about seeing the grand kids next weekend. I am thinking of doing the same here. When we reopen I will go to restaurants and stores like Kohls and definitely church. I will avoid movie theaters and malls which I already was not going to before this all began. I will take all precautions recommended. I keep saying this but people are getting antsy and I fear the violence that could potentially happen more than the virus itself. I read some states are considering safer at home slogans rather than the stay at home orders. I feel the virus is dangerous but I also feel we are being given a lot of false info by the media. I am pretty disgusted about so many things with it these days. I do not fear missing something but I won't live in fear and avoid going out. I already knew before this that God knows the exact second of my last breath here on earth. If he has ordained for me to die on a certain day it will come to be and I trust his judgment. Disco is so cute. He will be lonesome when and if you guys end up not being as home as often.
Sandie, I TOTALLY agree with everything you say here!!!! I will never feel safe going out again, EVER! You should see what we go through even trying to grocery shop, it is like going into a war zone. Gloves, masks, wipes, etc. We will not go back to church, or anywhere much else until the vaccine is here, and that will be two years they are now saying. By then we may both be dead, so end of pandemic for us. Your Governor is insane.
What an eye-catching title! Most of the time I'm the last to 'get' these acronyms. Thank you for addressing this issue, Sandie! Like you, I'm reluctant to just get out there and behave like nothing's wrong. Insidious, this enemy. Tom's got the worst case of cabin fever, but at least he's wearing his PPE. Speaking for myself, I don't care what people may think. I'm going to be wearing my mask for however long it takes to reassure myself this virus is no longer a threat.
You are RIGHT ON, Sandie. And you don't have to apologize for sticking up to your guns. It is STUPID to open up beaches, restaurants, massage parlors, and hairdressing establishments too soon. If more and more and more people get sick, the stay-at-home orders will just happen all over again. This is a terrible pandemic and it is sinking the economy but we must all still have PATIENCE. I really enjoyed your post. Susan
Sandie, we all have to fight this battle any way we feel necessary! I am ready for things to loosen up but I won't be careless about my own health. I am happy that my knee surgery is approved to move forward. Tampa General Hospital has only 12 cases of C-19 right now. Twelve. And those twelve are secured away from the main part of the hospital where I will be for my elective surgery. I am sure this virus will be around for months to come and we will learn to deal with it. Stay well!!
No Fomo here, what am I missing out on the Coronavirus??????????????
I can and will live without it....................
I'm getting whiplash from the constant rule changes: new symptoms, new openings, the elderly were most susceptible,now it's the young. Today I learned that farmers are destroying food. The FDA is not helping to re-direct the food to people who need it. Crazy talk from the president. I'm staying home till someone figures it out.
I completely agree with you. We have a son in Idaho and he just told me they are going to start opening up stores and restaurants but making sure everyone will still be at a 6 foot distance. I'm ok with going into stores as long as I wear a mask and if the employees wear masks but dining in a restaurant, no thank you. Here in Washington things are staying closed through the month of May then they will reassess. I have no fear of missing out. I really don't care haha.
Take care !!
Hi Sandie - I will be going slow and being careful. Being positive is me - just being sensible and not dwelling on all the things I can't control ... makes life easier. All the best - and stay safe - Hilary
It's funny how these words come about. No, I'm not afraid of missing out on things. I know that I am, but that suits me fine hehehe. I just sent you an e-mail and talked a little about the re-opening of states. No, I won't be going to the movies any time soon. Disco is sleeping so peacefully on his chair. Is your grandson home from his school break? Yes, those health care workers are something else, and the grocery store workers. I appreciate them all.
Stay well and take care of yourself, Sandie. You mean a lot to me. : )
First of all, thank you for such an inspirational post.
Secondly, no, I dont have FOMO. I did not know that this word existed.
I think that I am quite satisfied with all that I have right now. If this is an internet term sooner of later we will miss out on something or the other as the internet moves very fast.
Please take care of yourself.
I am doing my best as I have asthma and heart condition and Diabetese . If I get the Virus it will need a miracle to save me. LOL
Hug back to you!
Yes, there will be more covid-19 cases. The lockdowns were put in place to keep the number of sick from overwhelming hospitals,supplies, and tests. I understand that supplies have been replenished/ stocked up to prep for the next wave, so states are scaling back the isolation. Businesses are slowly opening in Colorado with limitations, but many should and will choose to continue to stay home.
I just happened to stumble upon your blog and I fell...in love with it,that is !
I am now a follower.
In answer to your question...it will be slow going for us, hubby and I.
Have a great day 💮
Stay Safe 🌷
Love Disco!
As for staying home (my routine wasn't changed much...Daily walks, grocery store...that's my life in a nutshell.) Oh, I do miss going out to dinner occasionally, but it's nothing I can't handle....as long as Bud does the cooking dishes.
I will continue to wear masks through the Summer probably.
Love Disco!
As for staying home (my routine wasn't changed much...Daily walks, grocery store...that's my life in a nutshell.) Oh, I do miss going out to dinner occasionally, but it's nothing I can't handle....as long as Bud does the cooking dishes.
I will continue to wear masks through the Summer probably.
I like that first meme you have up. I get the FOMO, especially for the seniors this year in all levels of schooling. I'm with you on opening up, it's still to soon, however I did see some interesting talks about herd immunity. That hasn't happened yet and it needs to. That doesn't mean that people in danger should be out there like seniors and other's with chronic illnesses. People who will survive need to get it because it contains it better in the long run. Truthfully you can't live in the same house as your grandson or even your daughter if she is working. I don't plan on being closer to Adam, Gabby and James until I have the vaccine. They will go back to work and give it to me. Social distancing is important for us. I wouldn't let anyone in my house unless they are in lock down with us 100%.
I believe I am not a "FOMO"...If I miss out on all the fun...I'll make my own! :)
A moment's discomfort is a hour pain-free. I think in the present situation...worldwide...it is better for all concerned to err on the side of caution.
It is very worrying, of course...the businesses being affected, job-losses, failing economies etc., but we must remember...and not lose sight of the fact...humans are a resilient lot! We will bound back...come back from this...and, on the bright side, probably on a brighter side. Perhaps the "Me-Me" Society has had time to take good look at itself, and each therein realise it is not all about him or her.
Love this post, Sandie....take good care. My best wishes to you and your loved ones. :)
I'm not a FOMO either...no fear...
I will not live in fear but I certainly will be cautious and wear my mask and not be in the large crowds. It's too early. Just because the Govmt. says this or that ..I will do what I think is right for me and my family...(all still legal) too. I am not a rebel but will use my God given common sense..
Ok, I will get off my soap box...
Love your Disco pix and the thoughts that go with them.
Florida is opening too soon too. I don't think it's safe, but to be honest, Florida NEVER isolated right to begin with...everytime we went out to get TP or food, the stores were crowded with people, often with no protection.
I went out the other day with a mask. I found that my hands were in my face more than normally because of it.
...got to wondering if it was really protecting me.
Here in the UK we are still on lockdown, and thankfully it will be like that for a few more weeks.
The world is going to have a new normal, but I'm still not too sure what that will be.
Stay safe and well.
All the best Jan
I know, right?! Our state is going to open back up on Monday! and the numbers here are still climbing, both in cases and deaths! Jerry and I already decided we would continue to stay home, I mean really, at our age we need to be safe what with all our medical issues. -- Those pet photos are hilarious. I wonder what all the country's pets are going to think when their families suddenly go back to work ... will they be relieved for having real naps again or be lonely? -- As for me and my house, we will STAY HOME and continue as we are lol... but then, Jerry and I are homebodies anyway, so this is our usual life. Take care, be safe and stay well, Chatty! Hugs and blessings to you!
I think New York will be the last opening up and that's okay with me. Not that I'm not going stir-crazy, because honestly I am, but my work these days is to keep well. I do go out and walk (with my mask) and keeping a distance and have done food shopping, too, but choose the stores very carefully. I feel grateful that I don't have to think about work and getting to work, and really feel for people who do have to go out. I'm going to take my time even when things begin to open up about going further from home. My first stops will probably be a visit to the dentist and an eye appointment, but can't imagine that will be before the summer. Take good care!
not venturing into a restaurant, movie theater, hairdresser, etc even if they say it's safe, for a long while. grocery shopping and carryout is it. better safe than sorry. the video on my page that wasn't working when you visited is now a link at the bottom of that page, that'll take you to video. it'll make you smile. check it out. ps) i haven't lost weight, no need to be jealous. it was an OLD picture of me, one my dad liked. i'm still pleasantly plump.
We still need to take care. Good days to you.
Sandie, I completely agree with everything you say here, and with your friends -who agree to stay home safe, and with whatever it takes to keep our lives safe. I also agree with your friend's statement, "I'll never feel safe going out again, ever." You should see what Dr. Paul goes through, having prostate issues, bladder incontinence, a big hernia, plus Parkinsonism -even trying to go for groceries or medications. He fell down several times, hurting himself. He would need surgeries to repair those health issues, yet he won't get any closer to Hospitals at this point. I also need a surgery to remove my neck tumor, a lipoma. But, I won't get closer to Hospital either. As one goes outside, it's really like going into a war zone, gloves, masks, wipes, etc. Dr. Paul even uses a stand head protector, it's heavy though. He found it in his former private office, when he used it in special events, especially operating patients with Aids or other infectious diseases. Personally, I don't take this quarantine too hard, because I have been a hermit for over 10 years or so in this country Overseas. I haven't been going anywhere for many years. My bones and muscles are very stiff. I could hardly walk, I use a cane. Anyway, we won´t go back anywhere -until the vaccine is here. Sadly, it would be like -in the next two years or so, Scientists say. Actually, by then, we may both be dead anyway. Dr. Paul is 80 years of age. We are older folks, and we both suffer from health issues. It's always a time to die, when God calls, pandemic or not, the end is near. Your friend said, "Your Governor is insane." I agree with that statement. People should stay home safe much longer than what others say, because this deadly virus could come back at anytime -transforming this world into nothing at all...The world, humans and their businesses won't ever be the same again after the outbreak of COVID-19, or any other virus outbreak. It looks to me like a Biological War Worldwide -trying to destroy a part of the massive human existence. May God have Mercy!...
I laughed, Sandy. Disco says you left, gone too long, it is mine now.
FOMO works for me. I was always too old for the fads and deals or too young. And after it was too late they changed the age so I was still out. My good friend teacher was younger than me but when he reached retirement age I would advise him to retire before he was too old to enjoy retirement activities. He would say "Oh no. I'll retire soon, there are places I want to go and things I want to do." He waited and waited and he died while still teaching.
Texas has opened way too soon, our numbers are growing faster and faster. We in the Houston area have 11,599 cases more than most states. Our death rate is low though, less than 3%.
I'm not sure how, if you do, check numbers but I will send you a couple of links, on for countries and a other for states. There may be better??
Remember, you too can FOMO.
It is a short post on my Christmas Tree Farm blog.
I'm a GA girl too and I have been very concerned about our governor's decision. I guess time will tell. At this point I don't know who or what to believe anymore. I did go this week for a haircut and color simply because I couldn't stand myself any longer!!!! My hairdresser followed all the safety rules and I was the only client there. I have not gone anywhere else and probably won't for awhile. At some point though we will all have to step out in faith...we can't stay home forever and our country can't be shut down forever. It's sort of a damned if we do and damned if we don't situation. Everyone will have to make their own choices and I am going to "try" and be understanding of what they decide is best for their families and themselves. I can only control what I do. It's a scary time and I am praying constantly about it. Stay safe!!!!
I have missed your blog...and haven't been blogging and visiting like I did at one time.
We are now at the epicenter of Covid-19 in Wisconsin. We are 2nd in the nation for the most cases per capita....isn't that crazy?! I will be very careful when things open up again. John, especially, is a high health risk.
Hope you are doing well, my sweet friend. Happy Mother's Day-- Diana
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