Well since we have been sheltered in place - my grandson had his 19th birthday while Covid 19 was visiting. I am sure he will remember this one.
We had no matching decorations so we found we had a little bit of all the birthday decorations left from over the years and made a HodgePodge birthday for him.
(Our cleaning supplies to the right)
Not only was it is 19th birthday is was also 'their' first year dating anniversary.
So they did get together - our first and only time so far we broke the rule.
I know it is killing them.
I know for a fact our guy doesn't 'get' this at all - but he is resigned for awhile anyway.
So they celebrated their first anniversary of being together - heart balloons.
Disco - he knows nothing about the virus and can't quite figure it all out - but he knows we are here all the time - we are eating all the time - so what's not to like??
Looks like he is in jail -right?
He loves this position on the stairs - he can see everything.
Checking upstairs noise - there are people up and down all the time and he likes to be with everyone.
Looking at someone making some food - he gets one bite from each person from each meal - which now there are a lot of eating going on!
I know it is bad.
Oops roll call for food!
I borrowed this from "Ma' - thank you. I love that.


Do you think we will ever shake hands or hug again?

This is me and what my hair looks like!


it is indeed a strange world we are living in. glad he could have his girl with him and a make do party. looks good to me. so does Disco on the stairs. love that last shot, so sweet
LESSONS TO LEARN FROM THIS COVID 19: Perfect. We can only hope, but I do believe, that this will be true. The kindnesses and bravery that I have seen during this past month is the bright light in this darkness.
Your grandson looks very happy with his girlfriend. Young love is lovely to see.
I got to see my family through social distancing in my front yard yesterday and then later on Zoom. What I thought would be a difficult day turned out to be beautiful.
Well Happy 19th birthday Andy, THAT cake is too cute! I am ready to be done with this quarantining. Trying to be patient but seriously needing to see people:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
I do feel sorry for all those who are missing out on celebrations with family and friends, like birthdays, graduations and weddings. And I was wondering what dating couples are doing. I'd have been a major mess at that age, missing my boyfriend!
I think handshakes are going to be gone for a while. I'm okay with that, as I never trusted where someone's hand might have been! Lol!
Love this post. So positive and uplifting!
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Andy,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫
You did his birthday up right. ♥
Happy belated birthday to your grandson!! How cute with the cake! Yep, I'm sure he'll remember this birthday for a very long time!! I feel for the youth; its got to be hard being kept away from friends and boyfriends/girlfriends! We took a drive around town yesterday just to get out of the house. We didn't see too many gatherings of families but a few in their front yards. All the parks of course were closed so no Easter celebrations there. We did stop by son's place to drop off some potato salad we made. Chatted for a few minutes outside 6 feet apart. Hard for grandson; he keeps wanting to come over to play at our house. Hopefully soon life will return back to our new normal. I'm thinking handshakes will be a thing of the past; perhaps knuckle knocks will be the new thing.
Listened to several sermons online yesterday. All were on hope. So glad we have the hope of Jesus to get us through these times!
Stay safe!
O.K. WHERE did you get this cake? You must have baked it yourself. Maybe you ordered it from a grocery store. I adore the pictures of Disco and your story about the steps, it has really brightened my day! Andy and girlfriend are so adorable, they are really both beautiful. I am so glad you are all well! How are you getting groceries?
Happy belated birthday to Andy and belated Easer blessing to you ! How wonderful to be able to celebrate a birthday these days. There are many who won't.. I agree with Disco and feel like I am behind bars these days. We are inmates of a sort. I can only image he is delighted to have you all home together. I haven't broken the rune yet and have kept my distance, but there are times rules are meant to be broken. I love the graphic of lessons to learn. Take care and be safe!
Happy Birthday to your grandson, Sandie. That's a really cute picture of him and girl friend. That's funny that Disco is right on those stairs just looking at everything that's going on in the house, and I bet he loves being fed by everyone! What is that stuffed toy next to him? I LOVE the faith quote, and will keep that one. Thanks for the hug, and here is one right back at ya. : )
That COVID-19th birthday cake cracks me up! Did you make that? Andy and his girl remind me of my younger grand. The other day I called and learned she'd driven over to Auburn to see her new crush. *sigh*
Disco is soooo cute! Wish my Tom would take a page from y'all -- he's always giving 'the girls' 3-4 pieces each. At least.
I love everything about this post.
All the quotes and cute photos, especially the Lessons to Learn from Covid 19.
They are uplifting for such a time as this.
The picture of the hair do is me..boy do I need a perm and styling.
Saturday our son, daughter in law, and granddaughter came over to sit in our driveway and chat for a bit.
We gave them some extra wipes we had and they brought over some goodies too.
So nice to be "together" at a 6 foot distance.
Easter Day found us watching church on line, taking a walk in the neighborhood and eating homemade sweet and sour pork and noodles for supper, (in front of the tv)..we had had enough togetherness. We needed some mindless blather to watch.. (:0)
Hi There, Yes ---it was a very different Easter for most of us.... What do you miss the most? is a question I put on my blog post today.... I miss our travels --especially this time of year, but most of all, I miss my family...
My key word now is HOPE..... Yesterday, we listened to church services --and I listened to beautiful music all afternoon on You Tube.... I definitely 'had' my Easter ---and thinking all day that through Christ, we do have HOPE... Hope for a better future for all of us... Our lives may never be the same --but maybe that is good.... This has slowed us down some and helped us take more time to 'smell the roses' (so to speak).... I feel HOPEFUL for sure....
AND--I will never take things for granted again...
Have a wonderful week ---and hope you all did have a nice Easter.
I WILL HUG AGAIN!! I can't imagine life without hugs. Happy COVID-19th birthday! Definitely one to remember! I always love your posts, Sandie!
I am glad the couple could get together. I know in their case I am sure I would have figured away. LOL
That said , glad you all are fine and glad you had a great Easter. Loved the graphics and the visit.
Love ya!
Sherry & jack
loved the cake. great decorations. this will be a birthday to remember for sure. congrats on the one year anniversary. disco is too sweet sitting there taking it all in. we are all in this together. got to take it one day at a time. stay safe. take care.
Birthday for me tomorrow! Oh well, I will be working so, it won't be so bad. Take care in your part of Georgia!
Nineteen is a good year to have a birthday. And, Andy, you picked the cutest girl I could imagine. Or did you two pick each other? I don't know all the current rules and etiquette .
I liked the list you found for after it is all over. I liked the not shaking hands bit, I may keep that one for after.
Have a nice week, Sandy, and Stay Safe.
Thanks for brightening my day, my nephew had gis 21st birthday on the 1st of the month, no celebration that will happen post lockdown
I don't know where you find all these things, but you always have something to make me laugh (mostly) or something that brings a tear to my eye:) Your fur baby is soooooo cute...and photogenic. My granddaughter will have her 14th birthday next month and she is already dreading the fact she probably won't get to have a party:) Happy 19th birthday to your handsome guy...definitely a birthday he will remember! The hair photo made me laugh out loud...I don't look "quite" that bad yet...or at least that's what I'm telling myself. My grandson's (17) hair is totally out of control...and he's loving it!!!! CRAZY TIMES for sure!!! Thanks for giving me something to smile about today:0
Aww that is so sweet.. Happy Birthday to Andy.
It must be hard being apart when you are young and in love..
Happy Birthday to Andy!
Easter is definitely one for the history books. Had she been at home all this time too?
Love, love, LOVE the 15 days confinement image. And ALL the photos of Disco. This virus really doesn't go over well with any celebrations, does it? Such a sweet anniversary picture!
I'm glad Andy had a good birthday and you did a great job putting together a fun celebration. I will be grateful for many, many things as our lives go on. I'm not thinking of big things, but I'd love to just walk down the street, stop at a store and meet a friend for lunch, just like we did in Atlanta. So eager to spend time with friends again.
Yes Easter was certainly different this year.
We Skyped with the grandchildren and other family members and enjoyed the fun of an Easter Egg Hunt from the wonders of the internet!
I did enjoy seeing all the photographs in your post and Disco is such a sweetie.
Sending my good wishes, take care.
All the best Jan
April 26...
I was reading your comment on I think it was Sandra's MadSnapper blog.
We haven't gotten our Stimulus checks either...Really wonder if we will ever get it.
Sure need it for a bill that we have to pay.
Hope you are having a good weekend.
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