"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, December 05, 2022

More about Thanksgiving - Buc-ee's - and more!

         Remember I told you that my DIL was a great cook - well she delivered. Pictures are worth a thousand words.  Here are thousands of words!  

Two wonderful grandsons - 10 years a part.

My DIL the CHEF!

Complete meal...son's

My meal!                


Ever hear of Buc-ees?  

Pronounced Buckeys?

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO ONE?  This one was in Kentucky and there is also one here in GA.

This is Buc-ees.

There are about 40 gas pumps or more - 40 containers to get ice - bathrooms - sinks.  
The amount of food and items to buy is huge.
The store is mammoth. 

Daughter and grandson.

Wish I could bend my knees like my grandson.  Those days are gone.

 Buying a candle sent for his gal!

He got her vanilla - her favorite.

Bathroom sinks.


You can drop a 'mint' here!  But it is fun and clean, and the food is great.

The smile on your face is the light in the window that tells people that you are at home.





Theresa said...

Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful and the FOOD, OMG! Buc-ee's is a wonderful place to visit. I have been and wish it was closer to me, too much to see in one visit:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Sandi said...

That food looks DELICIOUS!

I think I have heard of Buc-ee's. Are they in Texas?

photowannabe said...

Love this post so much. What an amazing Thanksgiving banquet. The food is just "over the top". Great photos and no I never heard of Buc-ee"s.
Maybe it's a good thing. Looks like my wallet would be a whole lot lighter after being there.
The picture of the Duck Quack made me giggle. Too cute.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I enjoy watching all the “Chef” tv shows and would love to have a Chef in the family! Everything looks delicious.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of this place. You got a great variety of shots. The closest thing it reminds me of is a giant truck stop we have here called White's. It has many stores, barber, even it's own movie theater. That turkey is wonderful!! I want all the outside crispy slices!

Hena Tayeb said...

Looks like you had a great thanksgiving. I had not heard of a Buc-ees before.

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, your DIL's feast looks like something out of a professional kitchen. Tell me she even created that butter mold? Wow.
I've never seen a Buc-ees, but would love to visit. Like the old time Stucky's ... on steroids. LOL.

photowannabe said...

Yes my DNA is about 90% Swedish with a bit of Danish and Norse thrown in.
My Grandma had auburn red hair and there is strawberry blond on both sides of the family.
My Dad's hair was blond but later turned kind of a mousy brown...but his mustache always came out red, but he didn't like that combo so much, so he stopped growing that.
My folks were'nt big fish eater except for blue gills and sunfish.
I'm not either

Dylan Brandon said...
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Buttercup said...

What a lovely Thanksgiving with family and the food looks amazing. Never been to a buc-ees, but it looks like fun and I know there'd be things I'd want to take home.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my gosh, the food looks amazing. Your daughter-in-law sure went all out, and made so many wonderful dishes. It looks like there was a variety of foods to eat. I've never heard of Buc-ees. It looks huge, and the bathrooms look so big and clean. I love that photo of your grandson picking out a candle for his sweetheart. And how thoughtful that he knows vanilla is her favorite scent. I really like the "smile" quote. I'm going to have to write that one down. And that red rose at the end of your post always makes my heart sing.

Have a blessed week, Sandie.


Along These Lines ... said...

I love the turkey butter mold. Much better than turkey butter mould.

acorn hollow said...

What a wonderful thanksgiving! I have never heard of Buckeys before, but it looks pretty amazing and anyplace with clean bathrooms is ok by me lol.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I hug my dog dozens of times a day and it's the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing at night. I've never seen or heard of a Bucky's but it sure sounds fantastic and looks good too. Vanilla was always my favorite but now I can't use it because of the sent allergies but it was my favorite

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, I am so impressed. The meal looks absolutely delicious. Oh my, that store is impressive. Glad you had a nice time.

Prims By The Water said...

You are making me hungry all over again for Thanksgiving. Such a wonderful meal you had. That is one huge bathroom store Janice

jack69 said...

YOU are always a surprise. What an entry! A beautiful and delicious meal I know you guys has some great family time. That is so important.
Love you girl, and KNOW y'all will have a great Christmas time.
Love from down here.
Sherry & jack Smiling (but still coughing too much!)

Terri D said...

Your meal looks amazingly delicious!! Buc-ees looks like so much fun! First I've heard of it and now I want to find one!! I am so late getting to blogs, but here I am. Love you!

Granny Annie said...

WOW...great post and now I'm really hungry.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I am sorry that I have been not a good blogger friend. Its just that when a person is not healthy and then husband often not well, it is easy to forget yourself and things you really like.
I hope that all is well with you.
My husband in the rehab me worried all the time . I shall be reading and writing.
Take care of yourself.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful ...
I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

Enjoy your December days.

All the best Jan