Would you sleep like this? (I would not).
There is an Island/Patch of garbage off the west coast of North America made entirely of trash -actually there are more trash islands all over the world.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific. Marine debris is litter that ends up in the ocean, seas, and other large bodies of water. They form all over the world.
This one covers an estimated surface area of 1.6 million square kilometers, an area twice the size of Texas or three times the size of France.
The size of the area is huge. They did some quick calculations that if you tried to clean up less than one percent of the North Pacific Ocean it would take 67 ships one year to clean up that portion.
My brother told me about this - I had no idea it existed. Did you?
I saw this in the news:
Newquay, England
These items were left at a concert in August 2024
The aftermath of Boardmasters festival in Newquay (Image: Jay Mcgillan © SWNS)
“What was weird was I was hoping to find scraps, but I was finding so many camping chairs that were still in their bags and beds that looked brand new. Things were just sat there brand new, and I felt bad leaving it there and thought I’d take some home."
Can you believe the kids just left everything?
Let's keep America Clean.
What are your thoughts about all this?
Nature's Beauty - no trash!
That is interesting to read, but Yes, incredibly sad about all the trash that is consumed in our planet. I can't believe that island! I've heard of these garbage patches before, but didn't know how vast they were. That photo of the poor bird is terrible. And what's with all those nice camping chairs being left behind? Maybe they're coming back for them later? How neat that you can use sandpaper to sharpen scissors. Now, you'll have to tell me about that plant in our e-mails. How strange. I loved your interesting post today, Sandie. It was filled with things I didn't know, so I learned a few things today. Thank you.
Such a cute and adorable plant...little owls. I had no idea that there were islands such as this trash island. So very sad! Sad that as humans, we allow this to happen to this beautiful earth. I even get frustrated at ballgames when I see people leave the drinks and trash all in the stands...knowing full well that there are trash cans at the end of each isle. Is this just pure laziness you think? One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing yards where people have just piled up junk and left it there to ruin and rot. My husband knows how particular I am about having a clean yard. Sad for the marine life and the water fowl, that there habitats are destroyed by this trash. Hope you are celebrating your successes! 💛
I would absolutely never sleep in something like that! I'd be a mess. :)
This is so very sad. I think it reveals such a selfish mindset, only caring about self. God has given us such a beautiful world and we need to be good stewards of it.
I had NO IDEA about these trash islands!! They must cause some kinds of damage for sure. People who want to sleep on clothes Ines are nuts!!
I just can't believe people are such Pigs..Makes me wonder what their homes look like.
Such a selfish way of thinking...its not my job to clean up someone else's mess. It is killing everything.
I have seen on TV news these floating trash piles and other photos of what the trash does to the environment and to the wild life. it hurts my heart, and all we can do is make other aware that each tiny thing we throw away there are billions of others doing the same thing. we need to STOP DOING IT. I have never thrown trash out like that, but we do put trash in the dums like everyone else. Water bottles are my pet peeve. People need to stop buying bottled water
I had no idea! Humans can be so selfish; thanks to folks like you who call attention to these travesties. Yep, I'm calling it for what it is.
No way I could be persuaded to lay in one of those hammocks. Now I'm going to take the kitchen scissors out to Tom's shop and find me some sandpaper!
Being afraid of heights I would NEVER be able to sleep like that. I have seen this picture before and I cringed. I have also heard of the garbage islands. So sad. Folks just dont care. t work we have to share a bathroom with the whole building which has a few businesses in it. Everyday it looks like a mess. Cannot believe how these woman leave it...and I always wonder what their own bathrooms look like. Cute doggie picture. Janice
I have heard of and did see some photos of the floating garbage in our seas. I had no idea they were that big or there were so many. Kids have been brought up in a throw-away culture. Nothing is permanent or valuable anymore (life, included). It is so sad.
Yes I did know about that garbage island horrifying. I live near a college and you would be shocked to see what those kids leave behind each move out. I saw a video of what the kids left on the sidewalk in NY when they left all the schools.
It is so sad and depressing that some people don't seem to care about the planet, thankfully you don't see a lot of rubbish on the streets around where I live
this should be a real wake up for people who don't recycle and take blame for the mess in the oceans. It should be. This cries out for a documentary showing the disastrous treatment or lack of treatment and that result. Great post.
We have somethng like a 'Trash Hill' in the southern part of the country. Never been near it.
Thanks for the great tip for sharpening scissors. I'll certainly try it.
HEY lady, what a thought provoking post. YES we need to do something about our world. WE CAN do something, if we will, that is for sure. More attention like this can HELP to open out eyes as to what we are doing to OUR home....
Love ya! THANKS
I live along the Pacific coast so am aware of the garbage patch and it is horrifying. Because of ocean currents flowing east in this area, most of the plastic waste is from East Asia. Every country must clean up its act and that means me too! I pick up plastic when I walk my pup.
No way! That is very disturbing about the garbage patches. That is crazy about the trash left at that concert. Yes, I want to live in the world of animals. Cute dog. Interesting point on the scissors.
I wish it was easy to clean up those garbage patches as much as it is for people to dump their trash and debris. We live in a beautiful community but some people throw trash on the ground instead of putting it where it belongs. So sad.
i saw you on another blog ... commenting i mean there. i didn't realize you were still blogging ... had to stop by and visit. comment as well. i love all your photos of your family. take care this Sept. be well. Beth ( ;
That’s both fascinating and distressing. It’s staggering to think about the scale of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the effort required to address it. It’s a reminder of how crucial it is to reduce waste and improve waste management. Hi happy new week. Read my new blog post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/
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