"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, September 03, 2024




My topic today is sugar.  

I have prayed and prayed and prayed for some help over the years.

I went to the orthopedic doctor a month ago and he said my left hip is heading towards needing a hip replacement.  He said it would help to lose weight.   


All of a sudden, he gets up and says, "I have something that will help you. Let me go get it".  

I thought oh GREAT a pill or something.  


Well, he came in with a half sheet of paper - yellow.  It was about SUGAR and how much you should eat a day.  He recommended a book by Dr.  Robert Lustig (who is a genius and way over my head).  

I was so disappointed.  I went home laughing to myself.  I have tons of books.  Trust me.

 However, about a week later I looked him up on the internet.  He is all over the internet so don't buy the book.  I listened to him and for some reason what he said hit me between the eyes. There are a lot of YouTubes by him out there.

His advice is to not eat more than 27 grams of sugar a day.


 A miracle happened and I am giving praise to God.   I have decided to give up sugar - limiting my sugar to 27 or less grams of sugar a day. Of course, counting calories.  I am doing it so far and I have had no sugar withdrawals which surprises me.  I am buying no or low sugar items as replacements and there are a ton of them available now.  

I have lost a couple pounds, more inches, I can tell, but it is a lot slower than I thought it would be.  I pray I can continue to eat this way the rest of my life.

Please write some of your weight loss tips below.



To remove old wax from a glass candle holder, put it in the freezer for
a few hours. Then take the candle holder out and turn it upside down.
The wax will fall out.


How is your diet going?


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I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I have given up sugar too and have lost over 20 pounds so far. It was slow going and not overnight, but wow! I weigh less now than I have for quite a few years. It is amazing how much sugar there is in things, but it's easy to check as everything is labeled now. I've had to watch the carbs too as they produce sugar. I was scared so I quite cold turkey, but every now and then I do splurge. It helps I think. I still try to limit it as much as I can. Another 20 pounds of weight loss won't hurt me at all.

photowannabe said...

Sandi, I know you asked me on my blog about my diet and I'm sorry I never answered you. Probably because I have slipped off the wagon. Dr. years ago said No flour and no fruit. I really did that and the pounds came off as well as my A1C and feeling so much better.
Dieting is a slippery slope and now I'm trying to get back on track. Sugar is my addiction and yes its in Carbs too. So hard..but well worth the prospects of a longer life that makes the body work better. (I am preaching to myself too) Its so hard to loose some of those pounds for a second time. ONE DAY AT A TIME
You go Girl!!!

Sparky said...

Hurray! Good for you. The doc told you correctly and you took the Red Pill. Now you'll lose weight, your skin color will improve, no more infections / over bruising, plantar fasciitis will disappear, finger & nails will get stronger, etc. etc. etc. Many of those video's I've been sharing on FB talk about the dangers of sugar & carb's. I follow Dr. Eric Berg, DC on YouTube (it's all free) and you're going to be shocked at how our Gov., Big Business, Insurance, the Food Industry and others have been systematically killing off millions of people all for greed. Yep. I went there. Prayers that you'll stick to it 'cause your body will thank you. I'm smiling for you too. 💙💙
Dr. Eric Berg, DC https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3w193M5tYPJqF0Hi-7U-2g

Sandi said...

Low carb/low sugar

Also, avoid the fake sugars. They don't seem to help.

Trust me on this: eat just meat. It works. Try it and see. Steak for dinner, steak for breakfast, steak for lunch. Weigh falls off. Bacon too.

Red Rose Alley said...

Sandie, thanks for the sugar info. I have a sweet tooth, but can't eat too much sugar either, so I try to limit myself. I'm so glad to hear that this information helped you. God sends us help just when we need it. That's really interesting about removing old wax from a candle holder. And I love that fat cat - I'll have to send that to Nel. That picture with the colorful steps is awesome!

Happy September Sandie!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am happy to hear you are still free from sugar. I have been freed for sugar since Jan 26, 2017 and have kept the 70 pounds off. I don't even look at sugar content , I just don't eat anything that is sweet. I get the sugar I need from French bread, and fruit, rice pasta and rice and veggies. the fruit
natural sweet deosn't harm unless there is a health issues like diabetes and every one is different. find what works for you and keep doing it.. I like the counting the grams. fresh french bread has no sugar added but other breads are full of it. I can say that I did this once in 1979 and lost 100 pounds, no sugar until the horrid day in 1986, I ATE ONE ICE CREAM cone and gained it all back in about 3 years. I am addicted to sugar and can not eat it... just like a drug addict or alcoholic can't drink. I believe if you stay on how you are doing it, in about 6 months to a year you will be happy

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have lost 100 pounds twice in my life. It is so hard, especially maintaining. Because once you go off the diet, you gain it all back. So it has to be a permanent thing. You are amazing, I have never been able to control my weight by limiting sugar. Good for you!!! I hope the hip replacement does not need to happen!! When do you go back?

acorn hollow said...

I am a low carb eater mostly. I lost 50 lbs during covid I have kept is off mainly
I play with about 5 lbs. I walk a lot. I do free chair yoga at the library.
I eat about 27 carbs a day. I feel better, my weight is down, and I have way more energy. It is not easy just be kind to yourself

Mevely317 said...

Good for you, girl! Self discipline is soooo hard and sugar soooo sneaky. I'm a low-carb/Keto fan, but neither works if I don't adhere to the program. I made myself a promise on August 31 to toe the line the next few months so I can enjoy myself during the holidays. What works for me? Water, and lots of it!

Terri D said...

If I just cut out carbs (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice) I lose weight. It's so hard to do when those are the foods I love. Good for you and your progress!! xo

Prims By The Water said...

Yes my doctor said you could lose at least 10 pounds by not drinking soda pop anymore, which I did. All that sugar. I was also told not to add salt to anything because there is also salt in most food. Good luck to you. Janice

Shug said...

Sandi.....I know exactly where you are coming from. Same here. I try to always blame it on my thyroid as it barely works. But the truth is, in the past, I always ate the wrong things. Before losing my weight, I stopped drinking sodas and in a month's time, I had dropped 10 pounds. I gained it back. But now that Sam and I are eating much differently, I have been able to keep my weight off. I am down about 30 pounds and wow...I feel so much better. Sugar is a major issue. We eat very little sugar and now mostly eat veggies, fruits, fish and chicken. At first I thought this change of eating was so boring....but you get used to it. We do treat ourselves to Mexican food about every two weeks.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh it sounds like you are doing well leaving that sugar alone. It is scary how bad it can be for you. Adored the picture of the fat cat - made me smile. Well take care friend. Hugs!

Linda said...

You are inspiring! I am not hooked on sugar but I am a salt lover! And I watch my wine servings.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is great to know. It's great that it is working. I changed the things I eat because of my cholesterol and lost 25 pounds last year. I watched my sugar too but lately it's been calling my name.
It's okay to go slow. It weight will stay off better that way. I'm going to try counting my sugars. That is great inspiration you shared. Also like your helpful hint.

Susan Kane said...

You inspired me to keep going. I am on a no/low carb diet, no sugar. Dang. My 51st class reunion is on Oct. 19. and I'd like to be a few pounds lighter.

DUTA said...

I call sugar and salt - killers. Reducing their intake is a matter of personal will and adjustment to the body's needs. It can be done.

photowannabe said...

Hi, you asked the question about why the Masai men stretched their ears. Its decoration for their culture..the same as tattoos for some or body piercing in others. Solomon is an Elder in the church and is a christian.